Bore You

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I don't want to bore you with the contents of my heart
Oh, but I want to
I see us holding hands
Stretching our sores limbs together on early morning, lite
Too wrapped up in each other to care that we've wasted daylight...
Making love on first instinct
I see us in the park
Strolling past onlookers who yearn for what we have
I don't want to bore you with this
You've experienced love before
You've felt your heart hurt for another
But you're my first
I've never danced to this tune before but here I am...
Struggling to keep up with you
Trying my best to secure dance moves that don't come naturally to me
Where the hell is my rhythm?
I want to match your fly
But you're beyond me
I'm a beginner and you're advanced
I don't want to bore you with this
Oh, but I think I love you

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