Author's Note

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Hi, ya'll! I know, I know, I've been gone for a looooonnnnngggg time. I apologize for my long absence. Life has kind of been showing its ugly head, ya'know? I'm been struggling in more ways than one.

Mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. The list goes on. This has been a rough past year and I'm trying to keep positive. But on a peppier note, this is a poetry collection that I've been working on for a while now. I'm proud of it and even a bit embarrassed, these poems are a bit personal but I hope you enjoy them regardless. I will have this up for only a short period of time, I intend on getting this work published and I wanted, my wattpad family, you guys to get a glimpse of it first.

As for my other stories, I'm getting settled into life once more and I will return this summer after I've finished this semester. Without further ado, please enjoy my first collection of poetry entitled, "SEX'D UP".

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