#1 Dance Competition

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A/N: So there might be a few dance ones because I dance and my closest friends dance so if you don't dance I'm sorry:)

You were nervous for your first dance competition of the season. You hopped out of your moms car and grabbed all of your things from the trunk. You trudged in through the cold February air and set up with the rest of your studio. The schedule of the competition was waiting for you at the table. While your eyes scanned the list, the first thing that popped out was Senior 14-16 Solo Life of the Party: EST. 7:47pm. You checked your phone to check the time and saw that it was almost 5:30. A smile smile spread across your face as you saw the background of you and Shawn hugging. Shawn was at Magcon in Nashville and he wouldn't be home for another two weeks. He had been gone for a month and you were in Cincinnati for the competition, far from Shawn. You tried to shrug the sadness away by applying the heavy stage makeup.

"(Y/N)! We'll be inside watching the other people, good luck darling we love you!" You heard your mom call from across the dressing room. You blew her a kiss and continued to struggle with your fake eyelashes. Ten minutes later, your makeup was applied, red lipstick and all. You sorted through the costume rack and found your blue lyrical dress. It had a slight sparkle and a high neckline. After sliding it on over your tights, you pulled out your curling iron and curled your hair. The look for your solo was a side swept waterfall braid. You braided your hair and curled the small pieces hanging around your face. You pulled the plug out of the wall and pulled on your tan jazz shoes, giving yourself a once over in the mirror. You clasped the heart shaped necklace that Shawn gave you and tucked it in your costume.

The screen of your phone lit up with a half hour warning until you had to be backstage. Your coach, Marie, pulled you into the hall and began to run your dance.

"Come on, I know you can get those kicks higher!"

"(Y/N), spot! Spot! Point your feet!"

Her critiques weren't harsh, but you knew that it was only to help you. The dance ended, Shawn's sweet voice leaving your ears. You dropped to the floor and began to stretch. Marie sat down in front of you.

"(Y/N), is something wrong? You look..deflated."

"Well, Shawn can't be here. I'm nervous and this dance is dedicated to him." You glanced at the clear nail polish on your nails.

"I know this is hard on you, but I know he's thinking of you wherever he is. You will do beautifully, and you know that." She smiled and pulled you into a hug.

She popped her head into the dressing room, "Come on girls, (Y/N) is on in 10 minutes!"

Your dance friends piled around you and stayed by your side until the auditorium doors. They rushed in to get their regular seats. Marie walked you to the stage door and smiled. You stepped into the cold backstage area and looked at the girl dancing in stage.

She was two numbers ahead of yours. You stretched your feet on the floor and let the dance run through your head. The two numbers went by incredibly fast. You walked to the edge of the wings and listening for your cue.

"Continuing in our 14 year old elite lyrical solo category, please welcome to the stage entry #254 Miss (Y/N) with Life of the Party."

You walked to the center of the stage and took your starting position as you heard the crowd clap and your teammates cheer. The familiar piano began and Shawn's voice filled the stage. You smiled and let the moves flow out. Your kicks were higher than ever, and your feet stayed pointed the whole time. The turn combination went flawlessly. The song came to an end and you walked off stage, your eyes scanning the crowd. You did it, you finished it. Marie came to congratulate you. She walked you out to your team mates and they all crowded you, giving you hugs and congratulations.

Awards were at 8:15, so you and your team waited backstage. Finally, the curtains closed and you took your usual places at the front of the stage. You squeezed into the front row next to your best friend, Allison. The curtains opened and the emcee started to announce the adjudicated awards(the part where you are scored against a scale).

"Entry #254 Life of the Party, Platinum!"

You smiled and received your ribbon and plaque from the award ladies. After a few more awards, they began the overalls.

"In our Teen Elite Solos, 10th place.."

Your heartbeat escalated and Allison squeezed your hand.

"3rd place, Miss Kaitlyn with Titanium, entry #260!"

You grabbed the hand of the girl sitting next to you, Chloe, and she crossed her other fingers. Your teammates rubbed your back and looked hopefully towards the judges.

"2nd place, just two tenths behind first place.. Miss Kendall with Remember, entry #252!"

You let out a breath as the emcee faced the dancers.

"And taking the first place, and the title of Miss Teen Starpower is.." the entire stage started to pound on the floor as the drumroll, "Miss (Y/N) with Life of the Party, entry #254!"

You jumped up as your teammates screamed. You made your way to the front of the line of overalls. The emcee put the mic in front of you.

"What's your name, studio, and choreographer that helped with this stunning dance?"

"I'm (Y/N) from Star Elite Dance Company, and my choreographer is Miss Marie." You said into the mic.

"Here is your crown and trophy on its way!"

You turned around to see Shawn holding a trophy, crown, and sash. One tear slid down your cheek as he handed you the trophy and set the crown on your head. You jumped into his arms and he spun you around.

"It appears that Miss (Y/N) has just been reunited!" The emcee said as the entire crowd cheered and Allison was clutching her heart. You hugged Shawn tighter and kissed him lightly. He set you on your feet and pulled you into a warm hug, just like the one on your phone.

"That was beautiful (Y/N) it really was. I love you so much, and seeing you pour your emotions into that dance just made me sure." He let you go and picked up your trophy and handed it to you. The emcee ended the awards and the dancers began to scatter. A few girls from other studios asked for a picture. You stepped to the side, assuming they meant only with Shawn.

"(Y/N)! We want you in our picture too! You deserve Shawn and you definitely deserved the title." You recognized the girl as Kendall, who you had beat by only two tenths. You grinned and stood on one side of Shawn and the girl stood right next to you. The picture was snapped.

Shawn and you made your way away from the crowd. He pulled you to face him directly, but something caught your eye. Marie stood behind Shawn, giving you a thumbs up and closing the dressing room door behind her. You knew right then, that you had made the right choice.

A/N: I'm thinking of making a part two to this, tell me what you think!

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