Part 18~

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I woke up to kisses being planted all over my face. I groaned a little but couldn't help smile at the feeling.

"Baby, wake up. I know it's early but I promised to make you breakfast before I leave" Jungkook said softly to me

"Mmm, what breakfast are you going to make me?" I teased softly whilst my eyes were still closed and I was bundled up in the blankets

"Open your eyes and see"

I eventually stretched and opened my eyes, sitting up with my back against the headboard. Jungkook smiled at me whilst passing me the breakfast he made and watched as I ate every single bite

"I'm really sorry about last night baby, I just lost complete control for some reason"

"That's okay. It's never happened before so I'm not that concerned. If it happened all the time I'd make you stop drinking from me"

"I know, as long as you know I'm sorry"

"I do, I know you're sorry"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay I think, I'm just really hungry and tired" I smiled to him and saw him still with that guilty look in his eyes

"I want you to eat every last bite of it, I don't care how full you get, you're finishing it. I need you to get your strength back up. I can't believe how much blood I took last night, baby..."

"No, stop apologising! I've told you it's okay, I forgive you. I promise I'll eat every last bite" I kissed him gently to make him get a smirk on his face. He normally isn't that set on me finishing it all, it's always just until I'm full but since my blood levels dropped low last night I know he is concerned.

He sat next to me the whole time I ate, playing with my hair and massaging over my shoulders.

"What time is it?" I asked suddenly realising I had no idea

"It's only 8:30am, me and Tae are leaving in half an hour and I wanted to make sure you eat something. I also wanted to spend some time with you as well" he explained, I looked at him and smiled as I took another mouthful of food "I'm going to miss you baby"

"I'm going to miss you, we can always FaceTime or call each other though right? And youll be back in 6 nights, that's not too long"

"Of course we can FaceTime baby, I wouldn't be able to manage if we couldn't" he kissed my cheek and neck whilst I finished off the last few bites of food. He took the plate off me and placed it on the bedside table before pulling me into his arms

"Thank you for breakfast"

"Anything for you. Kiss me"

I brought his face to mine as he pulled me up a little higher. Our lips connected perfectly together straight away, already so desperate for each other. I laced my fingers into his hair, tugging gently to signal that I wanted more from him.

He took the signals straight away and laid me onto my back, caging me in with his arms. Our tongues brushed together causing me to moan slightly, I could feel him smirking as he realised what he was doing to me but carried on even more. I could feel myself getting hard as we kissed, slightly grinding my hips up to get some friction.

I was still naked from last night so I knew Jungkook would be able to see exactly what he was doing to me. One of his hands tickled down my body and instantly wrapped around my cock. I let out a sharp gasp at the sudden touch but kept the momentum with the kiss.

"Baby boy, you're always so eager. We don't have enough time to have sex but I'm still going to make you feel good. I can have a little play with you, right?" He asked with a wink

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