Chapter 23

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----OMGGGG GUYS I AM BACKKKK !!!!!!!!!! - Stay reading and at the bottom it will be explained! this will also be short because I got my laptop and it is almost dead and I can't sind the charger for it I'M SORRY GUYS!

Augusts POV 

It has been a couple of days since the picture of Jack and I kissing has been posted and honestly some people love it but, most people hate it. 

" Hey August," Jack started as he pulled out his phone "

"Yesss." I smiled 

"Noah is 2 right?" he asked 

I let out a slight laugh and replied, "yes." 

"okay well, my sisters want to meet him since they haven't really had a chance to in a while. " 

"that's fine Jack." I laughed 

"Well, when are we going to?" He asked 

" It doesn't really matter. I mean they've met him before." I said with a smile 

"yessss," he started " okay, so Syd wants to see him like really soon and Ava and Isla want to seen him soon too." 

"okay but, we need a day or something that we can go and see them." 

 "um, what are the plans for next week?" he asked 

"Nothing really." 

Soon after that we started to make calls and make plans to go see Jack's family again. Next week on Tuesday we were going to leave and head there. 

____ the next Tuesday _____

I was franticly looking for Noah's shoes when Jack stopped me and gave me his shoes. 

"Thank you!" I said and kissed his cheek

"No problem, love." he smiled 

I put Noah's shoes on him and gave him something to play with in the car aling with some snacks that were already in the car. 

"Hey Jack, I am going to go ahead and put my stuff in the trunk." I yelled because I didn't know where he was at 

" Okay!" I heard him yell from the other room

I grabbed my stuff and Noah's to the car. I put my stuff in the trunk and Noah's stuff in the back seat of the car so it would be easier to reach. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Jack was coming out with Noah in is car seat and they both had big grins on their face. 

"You guys ready?" I asked while laughing 

"Yes!!" Jack said in a funny voice and went to put Noah in his car seat in the car

" okay. next question, who's driving?" I asked 

"NOSE GOES!" Jack said and put his finger over his nose 

" You're such a dork babe." I laughed 

"I know." he said in a weird voice, kissed me, and got into the passenger seat 

I got into the drivers side of the car and started to pull out of the driveway. 

I grabbed the wheel with one hand and I turned up the radio, well I turned it on and I just listened to the music in silence until Jack started to sing. 


" Jack shut the hell up!" I laughed 

"No can do baby girl, my princess, I can't I just llllooooveeeeeeeee this song and if you could look back at Noah he is doing the same thing and he also likes this song," 

I looked at noah in my mirrir and saw him dancing to the music. 

"Noah, you having fun?" I laughed 

he nodded and replied with a small "yesh" 

Jack soon turned down the radio.

"August," he started "You know how much i love Noah right, well I have been thinking... I kinda want to have one of my own... I mean I count Noah as mine but, I know that he is-" 

"Jack," I cut him off "having a baby isn't as easy as it looks it's painful, stressful, it HURTS, and it takes a lonnnggg time. I have told you this, but, I want another one too but not right now.." 

"Yeah, I know..but, can you at least think about it.. again?" 

I was really thinking about having a baby with Jack, one that Jack could say was his full blooded son. Not just a step son. I want Jack to be happy... maybe having another baby won't hurt as much as I'm overthinking..

___ okay guys I said that this would be a short chapter so... but the reason that I haven't been writing is because I forgot the password to this account and I couldn't get logged in but, I signed in with another account and it took me to this one. so here I am writing on this again and not my old accounts. 

That one Girl// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now