Chapter 8

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"What was that about?" Jack asked
"Nothing." I Said "where is everyone else at?"
"Oh the table. I didn't wanna leave you." He said
"Awee." I Said and hugged him after there was a flash of the camera
I blushed along with Jack.
"SEE GUYS I SHIP IT." Logan yelled at his camera "just date already!"
I blurred my face in Jacks chest. Then another flash.
I ignored it this time and kissed Jacks cheek.
"Hey will you send me the picture that you took?" I asked
New message from: Logan 🙄
Message: Picture

" -Ding- New message from: Logan 🙄 Message: Picture

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"Thanks Logan." I said and hugged him
I went back to Jack. The three of us walked back to the table. I smiled and sat down.
"Hey Aug you gonna eat anymore." Logan joked and sat down
I gave him a smirk and only a look a Paul woiluld get
"Don't you dare."
"What is she gonna do." Daniel asked
After Daniel said that I took a huge bite out of my pizza.
"Ugh." Logan said and I laughed
Jack laughed and put an arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.
Logan gave him a death glare. I have Logan another look.
'Stop.' I mouthed
He nodded
"What do you guys wanna do?" I Asked
"I don't care."
"Walk around."
"Kiss you." Jack whispered and I blushed
"No." I said
They all laughed
"Let's just go tooooo Kohl's?" I asked
"Sure." They all replied
We walked to the store and I went to the women's section. Jack was the only one that care with me oddly.
"Soo why'd you come with me and not with the boys??" I asked as I was looking at a pair of black sweats.
"I didn't want you to be alone." He said and hugged me from the back.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.
"Thank you." I Said
"It's no biggie."'he replied
I pulled away from the hug and grabbed the sweats.
"What do you think?" I held them up on me
"Beautiful." He said
I blushed
"You always are."
"Thanks Jack."
"No problem."
At this point I wanted to kiss him. For a while.
"Hey Jack." I asked
"What do you think about this?" I asked holding up a black shirt that had cool designs on them
"H- Cute." He said scratching his head and pulling out his phone texting someone.
About an hour later Logan texts me and says we're going home.

At the house

Well I was at my house and Lydia cam over. Ya know since she is Logan's assistant.
She was working on some things and she looked up as I walked by. Logan wasn't home so I decided to ask Lydia.
"Hey Lydia?" I asked
"What's up?" She said
"I need some tips or something." I sat down
"Who is it? ITS JACK!" She yelled
I blushed and nodded
"Awee, but what do you need help with." She asked
"I want to date him but as you know what happened with my ex.." I trailed off
"Okayyyy. You can't let your ex control how you feel, if he left when he found out it wasn't meant to be. You and Jack... well you guys kinda fit perfect." She said
"Thanks Lid but how do I tell him I like him?" I asked
"I would say just be straight forward." She said
"Thanks." I Said and hugged her "I'll tell you how it goes."

I went to text him but he was ahead of me.

Jack💓- Heyyy
Me- hey I was just getting ready to text you. 😂
Jack💓- awe how cute.
Me- Not really lol
Jack💓- anyways what's up?
Me- nothing much really I wanted to see if we could hang out?
Jack💓 I wanted to see the same thing hahahahaha
Me- Wanna meet up at?...
Jack💓- Starbucks?
Me- sure see you then
Jack💓- See ya

I didn't reply to Jack but I did change my clothes. I changed into a black tank top, white shorts, and my grey Nike's.
I walked out the the lot got in my car and got to Starbucks.

At Starbucks

Me- Hey I'm where are you ?
Jack💓- I'm here I already got your drink and mine and yeah.
Me- awe thanks Jack ❣️
Jack💓- no problem 😊

I walked into Starbucks and I saw Jack. He looked at me and bit his lip.
I walked over to him and sat by him.
"Hey Jack I have something to tell you...." I Said
"What is it?" He asked nervously
I took a deep breath in.
"Ilikeyou." I Said
"I like you."
He looked shocked
"Is that so?" He said and across the table he reached over and grabbed my hand.
"I like you too." He said
I got up and sat by him. I put my hand on the side of his face and leaned in and kissed him.He kisses back. He pulls away and does something I've never seen anyone do before.
"August, I really like you. I don't care that you're pregnant either. The guy that left you is totally worth nothing in your life. I've lik d you since I first laid eyes in you," He got in front of me on one knee, pulled up my shirt and kissed my stomach, pulled away and kept his hand on my stomach. "And the baby, I don't care what sex it is, all I know right now is that I will love him or her, no matter what happens. So August, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked
He was at eye level with me and I looked him in the eyes before I said anything. I talked through tears and said.
                      "Of course. Who would say no Jack?"

That one Girl// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now