11: Taken to College

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''Where are we Minako Noona??'' RJ questioned finishing off his ice cream cone

'' I have one class today, so you guys will be tagging along and after that we will eat lunch'' You said throwing your smoothie cup in the trash and leading the toys to you lesson.

It was currently 9:45 in the morning and your class started at 10 o'clock and didn't end until 2 o'clock. Hopefully the toys can last that long.

You could be home right now but the school wouldn't transfer you classes to online and you knew that you couldn't have your grades any lower so you needed to start classes again as soon as possible.

''This is Noona school?'' Mang asked you nodded as they looked around at all the buildings and few people walking around the university it was quite big but basic.

''You guys can play on my phone during class quietly, okay'' You stated just before you walked into the room they nodded grabbing your phone and following you to the back of the class where you usually sit.

Sitting in the seats next to you but Koya sat on your lap not wanting to play on the phone with the others

''Can Koya learn too?' Koya questioned you nodded and smiled petting his head as he opened your note book and grab pens to take notes during this long historical class that was basically useless towards your major but have to take it anyway because it was required.

You secretly hoped that Koya would take your notes for you as you were terrible at this class struggling to get that F to at least a D.

Koya is very intelligent which is why you wished he would do so. He doesn't read the children books at home that you first got them. He reads chapter books used for middle school students sometimes even high school students to go with their reading level. The only thing that makes him his

''Hello, turn to page 560'' Your professor said right as she walked in


''Noona hungry'' Shooky groaned from his seat

''We only have 30 minutes left''You claimed and Shooky groaned once again

''Noona, I have to pee'' Tata said grabbing your attention once again from you lesson

''Right now?'' You questioned he nodded rapidly

'Out of all times' You thought groaning because she was announcing midterm project that's 75% of our grade

''Can you wait just 5 more minutes??" You questioned he shook his head and you placed Koya (who actually took better notes than yours which can be considered as pre-k notes) on the chair

''BT21 anyone else had to pee??'' You questioned picking up Tata. Chimmy raised his hand and you picked him up too

''The rest of you stay here and don't move'' You stated they nodded

''Van'' You called he came from under the desk

''Stay with the boys'' You said he scrunched up his face confirming your command and sat under RJ's chair

Leaving the classroom you rush Chimmy and Tata to the bathroom


''PARK!!!!'' screamed Cooky, Mang and Tata while running towards the park with Chimmy. Tjhe rest walked with you towards the big tree placed near the park

You finished your class, thanking Koya for his awesome note taking. And decided that you guys should eat a park so they can waste energy before and after they eat

The younger ones and Mang forgot about once you said the word park and cared more about who gets the swings first.

The rest of the toys were starving since I wasn't able to give them any snack in between our busy days

You sat under the shaded tree and brought out the lunches you made for each toy. Passing it to the specific toys and putting aside the others.

And you leaned against the tree deciding it's best to rest your eyes a little and swore you weren't going to sleep




''NOONA'' A voice yelled waking you up it was Mang

''What's wrong??'' You asked stretching and placing him on your lap

''Where are the others??" You asked looking towards the park

''We play hide and seek'' He started with watery eyes ''I don't know where gone, leave me all alone'' He cried and you held him

''How about we find them together?'' You asked picking him up he nodded wiping his eyes from the continuous tears

'' Do you want to know a trick to finding them all at once?'' You asked he nodded rapidly

''Play along'' You whispered

''Come on Mang and Van time to go!'' You yelled to make sure all the toys could hear

''What about everyone else?'' Mang questioned

''Well lets call them'' You said and both of you yelled BT21 but no one showed up

You did it again but yet the same result

''I guess we just leave them here'' You said shrugging your shoulders just as you heard the bushes shake

''Since BT21 doesn't want to show up I guess that means they don't want a movie night filled with candy and cuddles'' You sighed

''Mang has Noona to self?'' He asked playfully shocked

''Yup Mangie it's just you me and van, the rest will stay here ALONE in the DARK'' You said picking up the trash and walking towards your car

''No Alone!!''

'' No dark!!''

Were yelled as all the toys ran from behind the bush towards you hugging onto you tightly saying that they want to go home and do movies and cuddle

'' You guys of course you can'' You exclaimed opening the car door for them

''But one thing'' you said once they all got settled in and looked at you confused

''FOUND YOU!!!'' Mang said popping from behind your back making a few jump and he smiled as you both high five to each other as the others pout knowing you both cheated


Hello my Lovelies!!!!

I wish you all the best as today has come to an end and tomorrow is a new day. And new day equals a fresh start!

Anyways sleep well

<3 you guys

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