2: Descovering them

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You wake up from Van licking your face

''Aye! Van stop, I'm Up'' You say pushing your dogs face away from yours a little he barked and ran out of the room

''Good Morning to you too Van'' You yelled now sitting up and grabbing your phone

77 unread messages from RoachPotato v(°^*)⌒☆~

''This punk'' You hissed locking your phone deciding to answer him later and went to get ready for the day

Today is lazy day so you put on your huge hoodie you brought over sized because why not? And some short shorts since it's hot and traveled downstairs to get some food

''Van are you hungry?'' You questioned your dog who was currently sleeping under the table in the Kitchen

He huffed in response and you took it as a yes, grabbing the huge dog food bag from on top of the fridge (which you need a stole step for since your quite short) you poor much needed into his bowl and also placed some water in his other bowl to quench his thirst later

Grabbing some cereal you made yourself a bowl and went to the living room to eat and watch some Netflix

''Solomon's Perjury here I come'' You said doing a little dance when the show was loading to play


Later that afternoon you were on the final episode never moved from your spot once until you heard a thump from upstairs

Looking towards the stairs you call for Van

''Van bud come here!'' You yelled then hearing paws coming from the kitchen you get a little shock thinking that he was upstairs, he looks at you expecting and you call him to sit next to you and decided to continue watching the show

Minutes later you hear a few move thuds from upstairs and you paused your show.

''Stay here boy'' You commanded to van he barked and laid down going to sleep probably

You slowly walked up the stairs as another thump was made as you came to the top and it was coming from your room

Slowly walking to your room to increase the fear and curiosity now roaming through your body, you hear what sounded like feet running around in your room and you open the door only to be met with toys standing there looking up at you pausing what they were doing

''What the heck?!" You scream and slam your door shut breathing heavily you think to yourself

How are toys moving on their own and how did they grow?? Maybe it's just your imagination you thought so you open the door once more slowly, and there was all seven toys doing their own thing

The koala sleeping on your pillow, the cookie sitting on top of the sheep as it was nibbling on some crackers you had, the horse head one trying to climb back on your bed with the help on the pup with the yellow hoodie and finally the bunny and heart head looking one hitting each other with pillows

You quickly grab for your phone but remember it's still in your room on the stand placed near your bed

You close the door quietly behind you and ran downstairs and out of the house towards Suki's

''Yah! Suki! Open the door!'' You said banging on his door repeatedly

''You can spam me all morning but not answer the door?'' You stated ringing his bell continuously now

Finally the door opened revealing a confused Tasuki but you ignored it and pulled him to your house

''What are you doing?!'' He asked you dragged him up to your room door and pushed it open some for him to see, he peeked into you room seeing them all play around

''What the hell!?!'' He exclaimed you shushed him and shut your door moving towards the stairs

''How are they doing that and when did they grow?!'' He questioned You shrugged

''I don't know, they weren't like this yesterday, I just heard thumps from my room and saw this!" You said motioning towards the door

''I told you not to bring the box home!'' He continued ''But you never listen to me''

''That's not the point right now, we need to figure out how'd this happened!'' You said hitting him on the shoulder

''How are we suppose to do that??'' He remarked with a raised brow

'' I don't know that's why I brought you here'' I said in a 'duh' tone

''Fine I'll go look into it'' He said sighing you nodded as your room door opened up suddenly you and Tasuki stopped chatting and the sheep one looked down both sides of the hallway until he saw you and did this cute waddle walk while holding the cracker wrapper he was eating earlier

You looked down at him as he held up the wrapper to you. You looked at Tasuki and he looked at you then back to the toy.

''Food!'' The toy spoke you jumped at the sudden voice

''They can talk!?'' Tasuki said shocked you ignored him and looked back at the sheep

''Huh?'' You asked just to make sure that it was really him

''Hungry~'' The toy then whined rubbing it's stomach your jaw dropped, it can talk! Oh My Gosh!

''Uh okay'' You said and he grabbed your hand and pulled you down the stairs, you were surprised from the sudden contact but followed him

''What would you like?'' You asked bringing him in the kitchen

''Cracker!'' He said excitedly pointing to the wrapper that was still in your hand you nodded and grabbed him a pack of crackers in the drawer and handed it to him

He let go of your hand and instantly started eating them while sitting on the floor

Tasuki then came down with no shirt to be exact

''Where's your shirt?'' You asked looking at him weird, he looked dumbfounded and saw no shirt

''You pulled me out so I had no time to put on one'' He said you shrugged thinking he did had one on but then again you weren't paying attention

''So, do you think you can figure out what this is?'' You asked pointing to the toy he shrugged

''I don't know this is all new, I'll have to get my laptop'' He stated leaning on the stairs railing

''Well why are you still here?'' You asked now shooing him out to get his things

''No need to rush!'' He said as you was still pushing him out

''Go go go, and get a shirt too'' You said once he made it outside of your door

''Fine fine, I'll be back soon'' He said you nodded and shut the door

''Friends are hungry'' You jumped at the sudden voice from the toy again

''Well let's go feed them, yeah?'' You asked he nodded and grabbed your hand once again, Guess I have to get used to this you thought to yourself


Hiya guys!

She keeps calling RJ a sheep . Sorry if this story sucks I'm not a great writer. Anyways, right now their sizes are as tall as a square medium couch pillow and Rj is like two square medium couch pillows, they are also still toys, for now. Van is also sleep, he is quite a lazy dog. ~

Love you guys have a blessed day! ~

P.s. Solomon's Perjury is really good. ~

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