eighteen: forget-me-nots

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forget-me-nots symbolize remembrance after death and connection lasting lifetimes.

Piper spent the night before the funeral at Henry's house, hand curled over his heart. They went to iHop for breakfast, clad in black, silently eating cinnamon pancakes drenched in strawberry syrup.

When they got to the cemetery, Henry's dads were standing next to the casket, holding each other and staring gravely at the grass beneath their feet. Henry was holding his breath, clutching Piper's hand like it was a lifeline. She didn't mind. His hands were cold and dry like maybe he needed some lotion, the opposite of her warm, clammy palms. She kissed his knuckles lightly to grab his attention away from his grieving fathers.

"Thank you for coming," he whispered hoarsely, dipping his head to kiss her hair.

"Of course, baby." Piper smiled and cradled his rosy cheek in her hand. She didn't even want to imagine Henry having to stand here and watch his mother be buried--alone. It made her want to cry. And she was a possessive little shit, so she didn't want Henry to cry on anyone's shoulders but her own. She really needed to work on that--another day.

Today, she would slide an arm around Henry's waist to tuck her body into his side, holding him like she could protect him from everything with her soft brown arms. He seemed happy with it, though, humming every time she shuffled closer.

"I like it when you call me baby," he said, giving her a tiny smile. "Makes me feel loved."

"Well. You are very loved, so I guess that adds up. Baby."

Henry chuckled, earning a wary glance from an old woman with a soft pink hat. He frowned apologetically and glanced down at the ground, biting his lip. Piper pulled him closer and tried her best not to scream at the lady who had looked at him like that. Who was she to judge Henry for finding light on the day of his mother's funeral? Fuck her. (Except then Piper remembered that she needed to respect her elders and so she took back the fuck her and replaced it with a that was rude.)

"These are ours," Henry said, nodding to two white fold-out chairs. He sat down and pulled Piper with him, scooting her chair just a little bit closer to his. Piper curled both hands around his and rested them on her thigh. Henry blushed but then squeezed her tighter.

"Hi, honey," Isaac said, padding over to them and smiling sadly at Piper. "Thank you for coming, Piper. Henry needs you." Henry nodded in agreement and put a hand on Piper's knee.

"I'm happy to be here." Mmm. "Well, I mean, I'm not happy, this is very sad, I'm so sorry for your loss--"

"He knows, sweets," Henry interjected, cracking a smile at Piper's red face and wide eyes. "Simmer down."

Piper huffed and kicked him with the heel of her wedges. Isaac smiled and ruffled Henry's hair, then turned and retreated back to his husband's side. Elliot nestled into his chest and closed his eyes.

"Can I ask how your mom and dad met?" Piper inquired, turning to face Henry and pressing her face into his broad shoulder.

"Mm-hmm, they were in high school together, Mom was his beard. They met Isaac in college, and they've been together since. Mom had me, and my dads raised me."

"Oh. Cool."

Henry shot her an amused smile and brushed a thumb over the skin of her thigh. Piper pressed her legs together, flushing. Isaac began speaking at the head of the casket, eyes downcast but voice strong and clear.

"Etta was the coolest, smartest, most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. We're all here today to honor the woman she was and the impact she left on all of us. She wouldn't have wanted us to sit here and sulk for four hours, so this won't be too long. Henry?"

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