Cheap Thrills

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The Bellas filed out of the silver van, having just been dropped of at the beautiful vila they will be staying in for the few days they're here.

You stepped out and smiled at the gorgeous flowers and the amazing building structures of the culture.

Emily hooked arms with you and laughed

"This is so awesome!" She smiled, "I'm really happy you came,"

"Yeah," You turned to her and smirked, "Me too,"

"Follow me, Bellas," Chicago called out and began walking into the building

Amy walked past you guys, hooking onto your other arm and pulling you both with her.

"Okay, stick with me, 'cause I know so much Italian," She began

"Really?" You asked

"Gelato, Margarita, Ravioli," She counted her list with her fingers

You and your sister smiled, enjoying her 'Italian' as you walked through the courtyard

After going in, Emily pulled you away from Amy and towards the tourist broachers. You noticed that Aubrey and Lilly were already there, checking out different places

"Hey guys," You smiled and picked up a pamphlet, "Find anything good?" You opened and saw it was for a sailing company

"Oh! That looks fun," Your sister added

"So, Emily, is it true what you said back there? Are you really not writing anymore?" Aubrey asked, ignoring your question

You side-eyed your sister, curious to her answer as well

"Well, not. I mean, not right now. Anyway, I've got 21 credits that I'm taking this semester. The GRE is coming up. It's right around the corner. Uh, and. I got a hamster now." The brunette explained her busy life, equalizing to your hectic schedule of university

"Aw. That's amazing. Well, don't give up. My dad always says, 'Age wrinkles the body, but quitting wrinkles the soul'" The former leader smiled and nodded at the quote

"Right, well. Y/N is still mixing and producing music," Emily gestured to you, making you stand a little straighter in surprise

"I mean... I am but, well," You didn't know what to say after you had the attention on you

"She actually wants to become a Music Producer like Becca when she graduates," Your sister continued

"Really? That's amazing!" Aubrey was happy for you

"Yeah, Um. It was a lot of fun working on 'Flashlight' and I kinda loved doing that stuff," You grinned, having more comfort with the subject

"Well have you talked with Becca yet? I'm sure she'd be able to get you in somewhere as an assistant or something," Aubrey asked

"I haven't yet, I mean, I think it's a bit far fetched for me to become a producer so I don't really know yet. Plus hitting it big from the start is one in a million so I'll have to grab a side job and see wher-"

'Uh Girls!" Chloe called out from the front desk, causing you to stop your rambling and look at her holding up a key, "We have separated rooms! We don't have to sleep on top of each other anymore."

"Hey sweet," Aubrey walked over and you followed with Lilly and Emily

You got a key from her and saw you were in 300. After grabbing your luggage, everyone made her way to her respected room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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