A Riff Off

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After having everything was finalized, getting a legal passport rush delivered, and packing the necessities for the tour; you were ready to sing with the Bellas once again

The plane had landed in Spain, the first destination for the concert, and you all were walking towards the hanger. Emily was on your left, both of you staying off to the side but still in front

"Hola, senoritas." John shouted from a plane, walking out with Gail

"Where'd you guys even come from?" Becca questioned with annoyance

"A little town called Persistence, sweet cheek!" Gail countered, "That's right. Here, here's the thing." She grabbed her clearance tag

"Look at this, ladies. All-access passes. We're tall enough for all the rides. You can run, but you cannot hide." John laughed

"This d'aca'mentary is happening! And with Y/N on board it's even better! It's gonna be beautiful. We're making a beautiful d'aca'mentary. In fact, we gotta set up. Where are we gonna set up, John?" Gail nagged towards her coworker as they walked off

"Papi chulos, straight ahead." Florencia spoke

Two very handsome guys in uniform were walking your way.

"Welcome to Spain, Bellas." The one on the left spoke, "A few important things to note before we begin."

The airplane next to you began rumbling, getting louder and windier by the second. His words were muffled by the loud engine, blocking out all the most likely important information you needed

"-very sharp. We do not want you to impale yourself." He ended and so did the engine

Yeah, it was important.

"I hope you all heard each and every word, or else you might very well end up dead." He said very seriously, "Ladies, I'm messing with you. On behalf of the Department of Defense, we would like to welcome you to Naval Air Station Rota, Spain." He smiled with a chuckle, "And a sincere thank-you for coming out to entertain our troops and their families. We're excited for this tour. My name's Chicago. Over here to my left is Captain Bernie, who we like to call Zeke."

"Ladies." Zeke nodded towards us

"We're gonna be with you the whole tour as your escorts and security details." Chicago added

"Question." Amy raised her hand a spoke, "Will we all be showering together?"

You held back your snicker, waiting for the answer

They were silent until Chicago cleared his throat making it harder to keep your laugh in, but you still managed

"Uh, first up is a sound check. We'll have you back to the hotel by 1430. Maybe hit the rain locker, back here for the big show at 1700. Yeah." He explained

After a few more back and forth, then another inappropriate comment from Amy, you were directed to the concert stage. The sound check was taking place soon and apparently you were needed, even though you all just had mics when on stage

"All right, well, we are really excited to have you here." Chicago began another explanation, "Right now we're in Hangar Three. This is where we keep all of our helicopters. Of course, now we've got the big stage built up for the tour. So, on the tour, we've got three bands. Over here, we got Saddle Up," He gestured to the group on stage, "This is Young Sparrow and DJ Dragon Nutz," He pointed to two guys by a table, "And behind me is Evermoist," He pointed and you glanced over at the four attractive girls in front of the stage

One was starring directly at the group with her guitar while the others chatted. You of course, didn't even pay attention to any of Chicago's words, seeing as you were more taken back by the set up for the stage. They had a lot to go but it was fairly big. Maybe around the same size as the international stage three years ago against Das Sound Machine

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