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I froze. "Oh, Jordan..." he looked away, avoiding my gaze "I know, I don't know what I was thinking, but I thought that it could be a great addition to the app, I never- I never meant to eavesdrop" he explained as he brushed his hair with his fingers . "I'm sorry" he then apologized. "Jordan, why are you apologizing? It is not your fault, you heard, so what? Now we can both help Bennett with all his needs" I comforted.

I've never been good at this, but seeing Jordan so miserable, contrary to how he normally was, which was happy, funny and witty, it was somewhat hearth breaking and I couldn't bare with it.

"You can forgive me, but Bennett... he never will" Jordan sighed defeated "Your know him and his obsession with his privacy" I looked down at my feet and bit my lip "I wouldn't call it obsession, belonging to the family he belongs, it just a precaution, and you know that" he looked up and sucked in his lips. Suddenly there was silence between the both of us, and it was deafening. I adjusted my glasses and looked out the window, the Meyers were leaving with an umbrella each on the hands. It looked like it was gonna rain. "Jordan, c-can I ask you a que-question?" I said as I stumbled on my words. I was nervous and hesitant to ask, because he could get the wrong message, but it was something that needed to be asked. He looked at me and slowly nodded "Would Bennett loosing all of his money affect you guys relationship" I quickly bit my tongue real hard, I already regretted asking. As my left hand caressed my right arm and squeezed it, I heard Jordan chuckle. I turned his way, his cerulean eyes were looking down and both of his hands were still inside his pockets, he had a devilish smile drawn in his lips, but it wasn't the good kind of smile, I could even say it was scary.
"You really think so low of me?" He asked still not looking up at me "Jordan I really didn't in a bad way, I'm sorry" he shook his head and looked up "Uh- I've got to go, sorry I just remembered that I wasn't available today after all" he drily said. I took a step back as I swore that his eyes went four shades darker.

As I watched his car drive away I let out all the air I didnt even realizing I was holding in. "Nomi?" I heard someone call as I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I wont lie I was startled so I jumped, in the act I sprained my ankle and fell onto the floor. "Dominic! You cannot sneak up on me like that!" I yelled at him "Wha-Stop laughing you moron!"
He held out his hand offering me help, instead I rolled my eyes and stood up by myself. "Why are you feisty today Nomi?" He said between laughs "Alright, alright I'll stop laughing, but stop giving me that death glare, which I know for a fact you stole from Declan" I didn't want to, but I let out a sly chuckle "You see? Much better" he smiled "You look beautiful when you smile" I didn't mean to but I snorted real loud, I wasn't up for any of his teases right then so I walked pass him "Oh come on we just started talking, you can't leave now!" I heard him complain so I turned around "Nope you did all the talking I on the other hand didn't even open my mouth" I shrugged and opened my front door. "Jeez Nomi don't be like that" Is the last thing I heard before I closed the door shut.

I'm not one to be rude, but this time was a big exception. In less than 24 hours two guys had droven away from me, both mad and I pretty much didn't know what to do. Do I call them? Do I keep my distance? I was confused and at the same time worried, what was I gonna do with Bennett? He needed someone to be there for him and I think I just drove Jordan away from everyone for a while now, and Declan, well he isn't the type of guy you would call when you needed moral support, so he was out of the picture, and Lynn, well, she and Bennett weren't exactly what I would call friends. I started walking towards the stairs and found myself lying on the floor... again. My ankle was killing me, apparently it was a bigger sprain that I thought it was "Honey are you okay?" My mom asked concerned as she ran down the stairs. I stood up as fast as I could and hopped to the living room "Mom could you bring me some frozen peas, please" I asked as I sat down on the couch. "Here you go" she chirped as she handed me a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a kitchen cloth "Be careful Naomi" she sighed before grabbing her car keys "I'm heading out to the grocery store, want anything?" I shook my head sideways and she left. I sighed and started looking for the remote but I couldn't seem to find it, instead something else caught my attention, so I reached out and started dialing his phone.

One beep. Two beeps. Three beeps.

"Hello?" his voice said from the other end


Okay, I'm really sorry! I've been booked up, between exams, end of school and... well some parties, I couldn't seem to find time to write, but here you go 4th chapter, and please don't hate me this is maybe the shortest chapter ever, but hey its summer, which means updates will be much more regular 😉

Bye 4 now,


PS: Wanna check out more of my work? I'm also working on a project called Drugs & Candy which I think you'll like, but I don't spam, so I'll just leave it there.

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