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Some times life does not give you any choices and you have to accept what time had brought for you, some time people's happiness lay upon your acceptance,

I did the same thing, I accepted Ariz's marriage proposal for me, because it makes everyone happy especially my parents,

Last night aunt slides a ring on my finger and my mother dose the same with Ariz as it was the little ceremony of our engagement,

Although I was not happy but I put on a fake smile on my face as to show everyone that I was,

Whenever I thought about Ariz, our wedding and he being my husband, it all feels strange, because in my whole life I never think like that for him ever, he was always an annoying cousin for me and nothing more,

When we were small we three were best friends, Me, Nadir and Ariz, we were very mischievous kids, we play pranks on every one,

Like pouring water on oil, adding salt on tea, replacing cream with toothpaste, dialing random numbers and saying creepy things on it and a lot more, and we were scolded each and every time but we were so stubborn and don't listen to anyone,

This was like that until one day when I was thirteen, I was standing by the side of pool which is on back yard of our house and suddenly Ariz pushed me into it, It was so unexpected although I know how to swim but I couldn't able to make my balance and sink into water losing my consciousness,when I got it back, I learned that Ariz jump by himself and saved me or else I would be dead by now,

After that everybody told Ariz and Nadir to stay far from me,

This continued till I got fourteen, like they do talk to me but don't play with me or include me on any of there gatherings but one day when I was retuning from my school it was a cold day of December, everybody told me that they are going some where to do important work leaving all the kids home only taking Wanize with them because she was just three years old then, I had a spare key of my house and opened the main door with it, I just took a step as someone pour an ice cold water on me making me jerked backwards, I looked up and saw Ariz and Nadir standing there holding empty buckets in their hands and laughing like their brains out, " idi..ots ", I shouted at them, my whole body was shivering with cold, only to make them laugh more,

And from that day, they love to annoy me, Nadir also do irritate me but within his limits but Ariz!, what can I tell about his crazy mind,

What I didn't like about them was they made me their target, but soon Ariz left for Canada when he completed his FSC and was seventeen, I thought finally all these things are over but no! When he came on his vacations for the first time, two days he didn't did any thing and Nadir also didn't annoy me which surprises me,

But on the third day which was also my birthday everyone give gifts like they always do, Ariz never gives me any personally, but on that day he handed a very big box I was surprised to see it, when I opened it there was a another box inside it I open it too only to fined another on of smaller size, I looked at Ariz who says it is the final one and inside it your surprise is waiting for you, I opened it and saw a fully grown alive cockroach inside it!!!, I screamed and dropped the box and the stupid creature crawled out of the box, I screamed again and rushed towards the door only to fined it locked, I hared Ariz laughing, and I was just screaming, but after that he killed that cockroach, it was the part of his nature he always crates a trouble and solve it by himself,

Every time whenever he came he do such things and due to it I never liked him,

But this time he was acting strange very strange he was making me suspect him by doing such things, I have decided that I'm going to ask him everything,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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