Ex wife hunting

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The batto empress walks behind the couple, Smirking joajely. She whispers "joaje" causing the couple to turn around, screaming angrily "FUCK, THIS SHIT AGAIN." The batto empress laughed and the rest of the stankids emerged from the forest "WHAT? MORE OF YOU?" The batto empress stepped forward "wanna hear a joke?" "NO" She aims a gun at the girl's leg, shooting it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" The stankids laugh joajely and continue the great joaje "My ex wife still misses me..." She shoots the other leg "BUT HER AIM IS GETTIN' BETTER" They all shoot her head cause their aim is so good. She got destroyed lmao wubba lubba dub dub. "y'see it's funny cause marriage is terrible..." the man screeches holding his ex wife sadly "YOU....MONSTERS..." the suffering artist steps forward "heh, no u" The man dies from the reverse attack, exploding instantly. "joaje." The bodies of the two unholy demons from the seventh layer of hell soon vanish back into hell and the stankids celebrate by joajeing. 

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