You're a-!!!???

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' means thinking


{Germany's POV}

'Vhere is he?' I look left and right for him. I run further down the road calling his name, "Italy!!" I almost gave up hope, until I saw him lying on the side of the road next to an empty plate. "Mein Gott, Italy!! Vhat happened to you!?" I squatted next to him and checked his pulse. 'Vhy does his heart race for a few minutes zhen it slows down like it's almost nonexistent?' I picked him up bridal style and walked, very carefully, to the house. I treated him as if he were fragile, not wanting to make his condition worse, and put him on my bed. I tried to check his pulse, but he was running a very high fever, making me pull my hand back. I stripped him of his clothes, and put a thin sheet on him. Then, I quickly ran to the bathroom, to grab a washcloth, and to the kitchen, to grab a bowl and filled it with water. I took everything upstairs, so I could try to lower his fever. First, I dipped the washcloth into the water, wrung it out, and put it on his forehead. Next, I waited a few minutes before putting two fingers on his neck to check his pulse. It had stabilized a little bit, but was still going at crazy tempos. I picked up the, now dry, washcloth and touched his forehead. His temperature had gone down a bit. It was still too early to breathe a sigh of relief, but it was a start. I sat down next to him on the bed. 'Oh Italy, how did zhis happen? Vhy you?' I gently strocked his head and laid down my head. I slowly drifted off into another world, the one of dreams, imagining Italy was alright and acting his usual cheerful self.

----------time skip by Italy's curl----------

{Italy's POV}

I felt much better after my siesta. "Ve~!! What time is it?" I asked out loud. I look around and saw Germany next to me, still sleeping. I giggled at the sight then rolled out of bed, so I could make breakfast for us.

Before I left the room, I grabbed a shirt and pulled it over my naked body. On my way to the kitchen, I glanced at a mirror in the hallway and froze. 'I ha-have ears!! How??' I slowly turned sideways with my eyes still on the mirror. 'Wah!! I have a tail too!!' I started panicking, and swinging my arms around crazily, thinking about what to do. My train of thought immediately went to Germany. Surely he would know what to do!! I quickly bounded up the stairs. I ran inside the room and shook Germany's shoulders while yelling, "Ve~!! Ve~!! Germany!! Help me!! I've turned into a puppy and I don't know what to do!!" Germany stirred from his sleep and looked up at me. His eyes widened as he gasped. "Vhat is going on? Vhy do you have ears and a tail?" I felt tears coming to my eyes as I explained what happened earlier, but I could not answer his question of why I had ears and a tail. 'Well, maybe it was The Puppy Fairy who turned me into a puppy because I was jealous of the cute puppies.' I sat down next to Germany as he started to say, "Ve'll figure this out somehow, but for now, let's have breakfast." When I heard breakfast, I immediately jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs. I put on an apron while humming a song I wrote for Germany. I grabbed all the ingredients needed to make pancakes and double checked them. 'Last time I attempted this, I forgot the flour, so they kinda...couldn't... be called pancakes.' I looked around the kitchen til I found the pan I wanted. I had just started on the pancakes when Germany came down. I asked him if he would make the sausage since his are the best.

----------time skip by liverwurst----------

The food is finally done and all that's left is to heat up some maple syrup. I put it in the microwave for a minute then set it on the table. Germany comes up behind me and sets the sausage and pancakes on the table. A thought suddenly popped into my head. "Ve~!! Germany, can I still eat at the table if I'm a puppy?" I asked and tilted my head. "Of course you can. Vhy vould you ask zhat?" I thought about it for a sec then answered, "I thought you wouldn't let your puppy sit at the table. Does this mean you'll be my owner?" I watched him turn a deep red at what I said. "Y-you're still a human zhough, s-so of course you can sit here, a-and n-no I-I vouldn't be y-your o-owner." he quickly stuttered. He sat down quickly and stared at the food with his face going redder by the second. 'I hope he doesn't have a fever. I know, I'll check his temperature the way Japan taught me to!!' I jumped into Germany's lap and put my forehead onto his. "Vhat are you doing!? Get off me!!" He quickly slid me off his lap. 'It felt like he has a fever, and what was inside his shorts? It was hard, and it felt weird against my bare butt. I don't think he would like me asking what it is though.' I sat down and started eating then said, "Well if you won't be my owner, I guess I'll find someone else." he choked on his food. "If you vant an owner zhat badly, I guess I'll do it." he said, sighing in defeat. I smiled and stuck a sausage in my mouth. "Ve~!! Does this mean you're going to train me? You know about obedience, tricks, or whatever else you train a puppy to do." I asked him. Germany must have choked really badly this time because his face was really red. After his coughing died down, he said, "Do you vant me to treat you zhat vay?" I looked up from my now empty plate and replied, "Si!! It'll be fun!! I can sit in your lap when you pet me, and I won't have to be jealous of the puppies from the store!!" He stared at me with a weird look in his eyes, making my heart thump, and asked, "Vhy vere you jealous?" I walked over to stand in front of him, with my tail tucked in between my legs, and confessed, "I-I wanted you to look at me like that while holding me in your arms."




Mein Gott- My God


Si- Yes


Here's the next one!! Gonna start the next one as soon as I can. Be prepared!!

Comment please!! I welcome all!!

~Thanks for Reading~

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