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' means thinking


{Germany's POV}

'I look down at Italy, peacefully sleeping in my arms, vith a small smile on my face. I was suddenly very glad Japan had zhat emergency. I didn't vant anyone to see my soft side. When I got back to zhe house, I placed Italy on zhe sofa. As I stood back up, I decided I should make lunch for us.'

------time skip sponsored by Gilbird-----

The smell of pasta and wurst was everywhere. I heard a noise from the living room. I laughed. 'Zhe smell of food is just about zhe only zhing that gets Italy up' I heard him plop down onto a chair. "Ve~!! Germany!! Is that pasta I smell?" he asked in a tired voice while rubbing his eyes. I chuckled softly before replying, "Ja, but it probably isn't as good as your pasta." I looked back at him with a tiny grin. "Ve~!! But Germany, you make decent pasta. I like eating your pasta because you put your wurst in there. I think it's really cute how you combined our favorite foods." he praised. I blushed. 'How can he zhink of such cute replies.' I brought the plates to the table, and we began to eat. As lunch went on, Italy and I had many conversations, ranging from food to clothes to animals. After we finished eating, I stood up, reluctantly, and took our plates to the sink.

----------time skip of the century---------

Italy and I took a long walk around town. We were walking passed a pet shop when Italy begged me to go in. I gave in to his pleas and walked to the dog section. I saw some puppies that looked like my dogs, German Shepherds, and smiled. I still remember how I got my dogs.

^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ flashback ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^

"Happy Birthday, Germany!!" voices to my right and left yelled. I looked at them while they hold presents out to me. 3 of the boxes were moving. 'I decided to leave these curious boxes for last because they were surely a prank by the Bad Touch Trio.' "Here's the first one" a cheerful voice rang out. I unwrapped the present and found a relaxing painting of the beach. The next present was a sweater vest, 'vhen vould I vear zhis?', then a tomato!? I gave a fake smile through the terrible gifts. The Next 3 gifts were, a Xbox 360, a back scratcher, and a gift card to my favorite restaurant. I kept opening gift after gift til I was finally down to the 3 boxes that were still moving. All the boxes were placed in front of me. I slowly opened the first one and heard a high pitched, "Woof!!" I was shocked and quickly opened the other 2. I heard the same sound come from them. Out of each box jumped a German Shepherd puppy. "We thought they would be good companions and double as guard dogs." The green-eyed guy said.

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤flashback end¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Italy walked up to me and put a puppy in my arms. The puppy in my arms made me smile and think, 'aww, it's cute.' Italy started petting it, and just for a little while, I felt content with it being in my arms.

{Italy's POV}

'I looked at Germany's face as he was holding the puppy in his arms, and felt a little jealous of the puppy. Germany had this big smile on his face. He didn't just look happy, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.' After a few minutes, we decided to leave and return home.

When we made it home, I quickly cooked us dinner. We were so tired, that we didn't talk while we ate. Germany did the dishes, and we both went off to bed. The puppies were still on my mind, invading my dreams as I slept.




Ja- Yes

Has anyone else noticed how much easier it is to write at night? The quietness til your dog starts snoring (no joke my dog actually does this and runs in her dreams). I find it very relaxing and inspiring (the quietness). Til the next chapter!!

~Thanks for Reading~

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