What he took? He took me

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✔What he took

What he took? He took me

Brandi Ava profile

Playing around with angel I felt sparks on my body from his touch. No he just wants to be Alpha, gosh no stop thinking to much Brandi.

"Here's your tea cup princess Brandi would you like a peace of cake?" she asked as she handed a china tea cup that had a lotus flower on it.

"Yes Princess" I said smiling at her.

"Are you  thinking something bad?" she asked with a confused look, even I was confused why was she wondering this.

"Beacuse I can read minds but my mom got a good witch to stop me from reading bad thoughts till I turn thirteen" she said with a smile. Shot I thought damn I really have to stop or she might tell her brother.

"Oh don't worry Traaavis... Sorry teeth" she said showing her two front tooth were gone"Brother is thinking something bad too but I don't know what could be bad if you guys are in love" she said dreamily.

"Your so cute Angel" I spoke truthfully, I went to squeez her cheeks till I heard a growl. Turning around I saw five male wolfs growling at two other wolfs. Walking to the two wolfs I smile knowing It was Anna and Mikel. Running to them I patted their heads gently.

"I miss you guys but you shouldn't be here Travis might get mad" I plead sadly.

"We now but mom wanted us to come see if you were find apparently Dan has a cousin who's next in line so mom thought you might want to know Dan died" Mikel said sadly.

"I now" I said through mined link.

"Well we love you we will be going now bye Brandi take care see you in a few months" they said as they walked away the three wolfs turn into human again they smirked at me then sent a wink I was about to tell them to turn around if they didn't want me to burn them. Before I could though someone growled so scary that I flinch as well them they turn into wolfs and ran out with the other wolfs in the forest that were training.

Turning around I saw Travis jealous and hungry for my attention. Smiling at him I looked down. Gosh I can believe his sister can read minds. I should stay away from him when I'm near her.

"don't worry she doesn't understand she got that gift instead of being a scarlet wolf but she seems not to mind."he said nuzzling his head on my neck. Biting my lips I tried not thinking about having his hands on me. Gosh I miss being able to think things with out being rated R.

"Don't worry you look cute when you do" he said sucking my neck now, strangely I let a small giggle instead of a moan.

I spoke to soon tho his hands started touching my back. Let out a moan I pulled away blushing not being able to stop. Travis looked pissed off but didn't push me any longer.     

(R sean coming)

"What you don't think I'm good enough for you?" he asked mad, I tryed to say something but some how I couldn't I was so scared for some reason I don't know why though. Not wanting to get him mad I did the unexpected I got his hand and dragged him behind a tree. Leaned agents it I dared him to come closer as he did I pulled him closer to me. His eyes filled with lust golden instead of blue, kissing him from the neck I smirked as I saw he knew I was in charge at this point.

"Honey you may be the Alpha but I'm the lion in this" I smirked leaving trails of kisses on his neck. His dress shirt made it hard tho, as if reading my mind he unbutton his shirt letting me help. Walking deeper into the woods I felt nervous but something else as well.

"You don't have to" Travis said berthing in my ear. Shaking my head I pulled of his shirt looking at his abs with lust.  Not able to hold myself any longer I lunched myself on him. His mouth on my neck, dragging my mouth next to his I felt his tongue moving in my mouth make a moan come out load. His eyes traveled to my dress smirking I got up pulling my dress down smirking. Hey I'm not ashamed.

His body press agents me make me warm under, bitting my lips I pressed my self more harder on him enjoying the heat coming from both of us. His mouth started kissing me on my neck then slowly on my breast until his mouth was on my nipples biting and licking then at some point his pants were off and I was week to the world completely. As I felt pain it soon turn to pleasure, Our gaze met but I saw love in his eyes.

"Can I?" he asked lovingly.

Nodding I turn my head to the side letting him kiss me gently until his mouth started opening, thinking this was taking forever I felt a sharp pain on my neck. Let out a small cry I just couldn't wait till it stop. He went in deeper as he tried to make me forget this pain.

"Love just hold it in" Travis Said looking at him I felt the pain go away with the love I had. And once he stop biting I felt him cum in me which made my body go at ease as he rapped me closer to him.

"I love you" I Said reach out to kiss him.

"And I Love you" Travis said wiping my blood from his mouth to kiss me since when he bit me blood came out.

It was around midnight but we layed there together with our arms rapped around each other, when I was rubbing my hand around his side I felt him growled.

"I'm tired" I said gently." I don't have the energy to turn into a wolf" I said with my eyes closeing slowly.

"Don't worry I can take you put my shirt around you" obeying I slipped on the white shirt sleepy letting him button it as I was about fall out cold.

Once dress other then his shirt of corse, he carry me on his back. Damn he's hot.

"Thank you love and your not so bad your self" he said winking.

"Honey please I can read your mine now and apparently I was the best out of your SLUTS. Why are you thinking about them? Don't you love me?" I asked crying now. Some how my hormones were acting up.

"I love you Brandi don't ever doubt it" he said snuggling his head under my neck.

"Ok what about the dress it cost a lot dear" I said kiss his jaw, his eyes lite up in the dark mines as well.

"It's ok we have plenty more, now let's go get you home" he said carrying me away, he ran the speed that a race car would but faster. Once we got home, a guy was out side taking guard. The pit of my stomach made me feel embrace, I didn't want anyone to think I was a slut to do it in the forest. Wow I am a slut, I thought now feeling as if I was crap.

"Don't say that" Travis growled madly at what I was thinking "Can we go through the back door? I don't want any guys seeing me I said nuzzing into his neck. My head layed on his shoulder the way it belong.

"Your right no guy can see you but me" he said madly at the thought. I wonder what he would do if he found out some kid in New York who was sixteen try to rape me when I was fourteen? Shit I thought when he growled.

"What?" he yelled.

"Ahh my eyes" I said sleepy but dizzy.

Not knowing we were now in our room with me still in his shirt laying down.

"What happen?" he demanded, not having the energy to speek I begged him to come Hug me.

"Dose it matter you are my first no men has touched me the way you have" I said bitting his ear playfully."Pluse the proof is me here in your shirt" I said getting closer to him.

"good night Brandi" he said kissing my fourhead.

Today he took me

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