What He Took? He Took My Baby

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Being pulled out the house I felt coldness and sadness. Than a shocked was in for me.

"Are you pregnant?" they all asked in unison. Looking at them shocked I couldn't move nor breath.

What he took? He Took My Baby

As I was about to answer I felt Dans arm wrapped around me making me turn around to face him. My parents look sad but yet happy all at the same time.

"Brandi your my mate and if your having a child that isn't mines then I still don't mine you see I can be that child's father" he said looking into my eyes.

"Did you guys know?" I asked my perents madly.

"Yes we thought you knew" they both said in unison.

"No I didn't" I said madly" look can I talk to him alone and turn some music on so no one hears" I said lazy not wanting any more problems.

As they nodded and went in the house I wait till they were in the house and the music started.

"Look I'm so sorry you know I'm a scarlet wolf and that means I can have two mates but I can't be your mate" I said turning around not wanting to see his sad face.

"Why not he didn't mark you" he asked with sadness wanting to poor out of his sweet melody voice.

"I don't believe in love anymore.... Now if you don't mind I have to go to the pack doctor" I said almost about to walk away till he grasp my hand and made me kiss him. Technically he didn't make me since I kissed him back and with each kiss the lust grew more.

"I'll make you believe in me and so I will be your child's father if you have one" he said looking into my blue eyes.

"Your so sweet" I said smiling to him as we walked away from the house.

[ a week later]

School a humans personal hell but this year was going to be different my wolf and me had gotten stronger and I wasn't going to be the weak blonde. One week has past since I found out I was pregnant and since I was a wolf my baby would be born in three months. My stomach would grow in a few weeks but right know it was normal. Slipping on my white dress I looked in the merror and started cursing.

My school William Wood High is a rich school for wolfs but also the olny school in bettwen two towns, they made girls wear dresses and guys they wore jeans and dress shirts as if all the student were models. This school was the thing that made our pack be close to the Tender pack. We hated them with all our guts since Dan and his father couldn't stand them and they were really nice and friendly people which meant they were no good . But hey we went to school with them so we tryed to get along.

Looking one more time I felt as if I wanted to see if plastic sergeants could make you Brest smaller since I hate how every shirts or dresses I put on make my D cup size chest noticeable . Again sue me if I wasn't a slut, and sue me if I wanted to be fatter.

Sighing I walked down stairs and grabbed an Appel I could tell I had the eyes of the younger wolfs with out mates but I didn't give a dam I kept eating my Appel.

" Hey Ava you ready" Anna asked at the same time Dan asked.

" Um sorry Anna Dans taking me" I said, she nodded and walked away with her mate Zack and my brother.

Dan has excepted me not wanting a mate but said he would show me that he would make me happy. Of course it made me even guiltier with the fact he was going to help me take care of my child and he would be checking on me every night. Since werewolf baby's scratch you stomach to show you have a baby and don't get harm.

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