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Alex's POV~
        I opened my mouth and let out a yawn, stretching my arms above my head. I leaned backwards over my desk chair and heard my back pop a few times.

I sat back up and fidgeted with my green mechanical pencil between my slender fingers. I glance up at the board and I watch as the class pet, Jane, filled the board with the answers to the equations.

I glance down at my worksheet and begin writing what she's writing. When my sheet is filled with the answers I put my pencil down and look back up.

I rest my cheek on the palm of my hand, sighing. Math class seems to just drag on and on.

I look up at the clock. 2:52. School will be out at three sharp, and the lesson for the day was done. I pull out my phone and browse through Instagram for the remainder of the period.


As I sit in my car, waiting for the parking lot to be more empty, so I can get out easier, I turn the radio on.

There's been an accident in the lower part of Ergo (A/N~ Ergo (air-go) is the name of the place where they live. It's a big area. The upper part is where the "good" people live and  the lower part is where the "bad" people live. Like the scary people you'd see on the street😂. Thanks :))
Fatalities nor injuries have been reported yet. In other news, Milo Travis has brought up an idea to outlaw Indecencies, and this topic will be debated throughout this week and a final decision will be made on Friday.

I shut the radio off and swallow hard. On Friday I'll know whether or not my parents will be arrested and punished, in a way I don't know yet. Realization hits me. My birthday is on Friday.

I rest my head against the steering wheel. I can feel my heart churning within my chest.

I jolt as my phone begins to ring. I look at the caller ID with glossy eyes. Jordin. She must've heard on the radio.

I'm not in the mood to hear her talk herself, and I, to death. I press the red decline button. I open my glove box and take out a bottle of Aspirin. I take two and pop them in my mouth. I swing some water from a water bottle in my car.


I walk into my house and the smell of cookies fills my nostrils. I put my backpack on the couch and walk into the kitchen.
"Hey, Alex. How was school?" My mother asks me.

"Good, until I turned the radio on.
Did you hear about Milo?" I asked her.

"Yes, it's a terrible thing isn't it?"

"Are you even scared, mom?"

"I'm fearful for the future, but I will never fear another human being."

I don't know whether she's being brave or if she's being naive.

I snatch a cookie from the cookie sheet and stuff it in my mouth.

"Dinner's at 5 hon." My mom told me.

I nod my head and go upstairs to my room.

I plop down onto my bed and pull out my phone. I decide to call Jordin back.
I put my phone to my ear and listen to it ring.


I've been worrying about you. I take it you heard the radio?
Yeah. It was a surprise.
Everything will be okay, Alex.
I hope so. I can't help but think of the worst possible scenario.
I'm sure that your parents will be safe. Even if they pass the law, they're smart enough to escape.
Let's just hope they don't have to escape.
Yeah. Listen I have homework to do. I'll text you later tonight, okay?
Yeah no problem.
I love you
I love you too
I hang up the phone and set it down on my nightstand.

Deep breaths Alex, deep breaths.

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