Chapter 31

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One Day Later

The touring cast of Newsies was a close-knit family, and I was lucky enough to be adopted into that family.

One of the things we liked to do to deepen our relationships with each other, was go out together.

On that particular day, we had decided to go see a movie.

It was rainy and cold, and instead of walking, like Josh had suggested, we took a taxi.

I rode with DeMarius, Ben, and Sky.
There were three seats in the back, one up front by the driver.

Ben sat up front, I sat in the back between Sky and DeMarius.

The driver put his foot on the pedal, and began driving down the street.

"You leave in two days?" DeMarius asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"You ready to go home?"

"I am, actually. I'll miss you guys, but I've been gone for long enough."

"Maybe you can come help in another tour sometime?"

I looked up at him. "For real?"

He nodded. "Someday, maybe."

"That'd be so much fun!" I smiled. "I at least have to work with all three of you again. Josh too."

He smiled back at me. "We've enjoyed getting to know you. Haven't we, boys?"

"I have!" Ben raised his hand.

"Me too." Sky chimed in.

"You guys are like big brothers, now." I laughed.

DeMarius shrugged. "As long as that means I get to beat the living daylights outta anyone who tries to hurt you."

"Permission granted." Ben called.

"You don't have that authority." I called back.

"You know we'd do it anyway." Sky nudged me.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

But my smile faded.

I could tell that the boys noticed it too.
It felt like acceleration, like a rollercoaster off its track.

"What's that?" Sky murmured, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't..." Ben started before his eyes grew wide. "Oh shoot." He was looking at the driver.

I followed his gaze, leaning into DeMarius's personal space to get a clear view.

The driver looked troubled, struggling to figure something out. He was slamming his foot on the break pedal over and over again.

"Breaks are out." He said. "Breaks are out. I can't stop the car."

"Are we going to crash?" Sky asked.

The driver nodded. "I think so, kid. I'll see if I can get us into a clear area, but we are in downtown Chicago." He began honking the car's horn repeatedly.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears and my stomach flipped all over itself. We were going too fast. And we were heading into traffic.

I grabbed DeMarius's hand.

He put his arm in front of me, telling Sky to do the same.

They turned their bodies so that their backs would take any damage, while shielding me from it as well.

I clung to both of them, watching in helpless panic and horror as the taxi rushed, its horn blaring, into downtown traffic.

One jolt and I knew it was coming.

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