Walking In The Day - Pt 3

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Peyton walked out of her Chemistry class, the irony of it not lost on her, that Kameron had been in that class also. Looking around for the very nice signs that were posted at the corners of most of the halls, it wasn't possible to get lost here.

"How are you finding your way around campus?" asked a tall athletic looking boy at her elbow.

"Easy, I don't need a GPS here," said Peyton with more sarcasm in her voice than she'd wanted to interject.

A soft laugh erupted from the boy, whose golden hair shone under the florescent lights. "I'm Jamie Patten, I was in all your classes today. Where you sitting for lunch?"

"At a table," said Peyton.

"Well, a bunch of us sit over on the east side of the café, you're welcome to come sit with us if you'd like."

"I'll think about it," promised Peyton with a fake smile.

Jamie smiled, his blue eyes giving away his attraction and he walked towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Great, I got a boy wonder admirer," muttered Peyton. "I really need a girl wonder admirer...," groaned Peyton.


Standing at the end of the long line, Peyton surveyed the scene before her, and none of it was good. She identified the brains, the jocks and the cheerleaders, the outcasts, the metal heads sat with the gear heads and then, lastly there was Kameron Ambroise sitting all by herself, scribbling in a notebook. How odd was that?

"Come on, you look like a deer caught in headlights," said Jamie, her sudden knight in shining armor. Peyton grimaced, not really wanting to go with him, but she did.

Peyton had been the all star soccer player, basketball player and softball player when she'd been in California with her both her parents. Here, she had no ambitions to take on that mantle again.

Hefting her tray and following Jamie she sat at the table. Jamie introduced her to the two girls there, Samantha and Alexandra, and two other boys, Shane and John. Smiling shyly, Peyton listened to the conversation, which was about an outing they were planning that weekend.

"You should come, we do this every weekend, we have a theater in town, they play a different round of movies every weekend. There is comedy marathon this weekend," explained Samantha, a short tomboy with grey almost silver eyes.

"Cool," muttered Peyton. "What's her deal?"

"Who?" asked Alexandra.

"Kameron," said Peyton, lifting her chin in Kameron's direction

"She keeps to herself mostly, smart, is social but when she has to be, well, standoffish too. Hard to explain her, really," said Shane the obvious linebacker of the group.

"She's friends with Connor, he's the editor of the newspaper," added John whose shaggy dark hair fell into his equally dark eyes.

"Why do you ask?" asked Jamie.

"She showed me to my first class, was just asking," said Peyton, staring intently at Kameron's pretty profile.

Kameron got up from her place, walking towards the garbage bin and dumping her virtually uneaten food, she tossed a heated look at Peyton then disappeared from her line of sight.


"How was school?" asked Sarah as she came into the kitchen, pulling her hair from the ponytail, contemplating going upstairs to get out of her scrubs before eating. "Oh god, that smells so good. You certainly didn't learn to cook from me."

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