Fired and Fights

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  • Dedicated to Maggie Adams (The fiercest friend evaaaaa)

Niall's P.O.V.

Harry gently set her cold body on the couch, and stared at her lifeless body intently. I could tell he was thinking about how beautiful she was, but even though she seemed nice enough, (and VERY pretty) we didn't even know this girl. She could be a psychopath for all we know!

My stomach growled and I clutched my belly. Harry looked over at me, and he thought for a second.

"Do you want to eat some leftovers?" He suggested.

I nodded furiously and grinned manically.

I jumped up from the couch and scurried to the kitchen.

We had been staying at this tell for at least 3 weeks and this was our last week. Being a five star hotel, there was a quaint medium sized kitchen, 2 fairly large bathrooms, and 4 rooms to sleep in. Harry and Lou ended up sharing one room, and rest of us are able to sleep alone.

I swung the fridge door open and was surrounded by sweet, succulent food. I dug through piles of cans and bags until I found what I was looking for. Lasagna. Delicious lasagna. Delicious beef lasagna.

My mouth salivated as I stuck the lasagna into the microwave in its microwaveable container.

Harry tapped his foot impatiently just as we heard shuffling in the other room.

Harry looked at me with eyes as wide as pepperoni. (Sorry for the food references, I was starving!) I shook my head trying to tell him not to go into the other room, but Harry being Harry decided not to listen.

He carefully tiptoed around the wall to get to the living room as I bit my lip.

I walked closer to the walkway and began to shake from fear.

I jumped around the corner, just as Harry fell to my feet.

"Harry!" I gasped, kneeling down to his height, "A-are you okay?!"

He pointed to what he had been staring at, just as I realized why he fell.

There standing in front of us was the homeless girl with her hand clenched in a fist, the other one placed on her small bag around her waist.

She bolted towards where she thought was the door, but ended up in the kitchen.

I heard her let out a scream, and a loud thump was heard all around the house. (Thank god the other boys were out buying breakfast.)

Harry jumped up and raced to the kitchen as I followed.

It was a disaster. Lasagna coated the walls and the girls motionless body, as I assumed she had fainted. But the most pressing matter was the oven and the microwave. Fire dashed across the kitchen counter and flicked at the walls. Soon enough we were surrounded by the blazing inferno. I hit the smoke detector on the ceiling, but it was broken and there was no other way anyone would notice unless they were looking at out window, which had flames peeping out of it.

The smoke coated my throat, and Harry began to gasp for clean air. I went for the door but it was, of course, aflame with the fire trapping us in the first place.

I saw Harry drop to the floor as my vision blurred and everything disappeared, consumed by darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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