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is still living under da Same roof as my dad ,he still pays evrythin tht we need to survive,nd she wnts him to leave,yes my dad cheated on my mom,but he loves her very much,nd my mom cheated on my dad,but sge hates him....she screams at me all da time saying she hates me,that im ugly,tht she wishes I was never born nd dat im the devils daughter....its lik a sad movie.....really ive been thro so much...but I keep telling myself to live on for my bby bro who is only 3 who has an infection in his lungs which is kinda lik cancer...nd which doesn't hav a cure...I lost a bby sister...nd I dnt plan on losing my one nd only bby bro....I love him very much....I wanna see him grow up nd be a man to be happy nd to not go thro the pain ive experienced..dis.....:'(  dis is da tru me...dis is Carmen ....da popular girl wit many talents..a girl whos been thro so much...a girl..who only wants a break,happiness,and peace in her life for once .....dis is jess plain old me....</3

so yeaaa dat was short .....I can keep up the daily events if you like and please ask ANY QUESTIONS!!Ill answer them all !!untill next time,and until I get some more 'awesome'events  ......bye

note:the sarcasm

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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