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Ok ..um it all strted wen I was 7 or 8 after my lifes been lik hell to say da least.my dad went to jail nd I can still remember everything,my dad went into depression a few times, but got back into being normal,rite nw my dad wrks all day in da sun cutting plants,for 6 hrs,my mom cnt wrk cuz.she's mental, first time.... I decided to kill myself....becuz I culdnt tak all da pain inside of me dat was growing lil by lil. My bf was on da phone nd after he settled me dwn nd git me from killing myself he broke up wit me! Lik wgo does if sumone u truly loved ,u wuldnt break up wit dat person after dey tried ending der life.well I cried 4 mnths for him nd for wht nun.he sated a girl dat looked kinda lik me.....after dat I made a viw dat I wuldnt date anyone for da rest of 2013 nd I did,I kept dat vow.Den I met my 2nd bf well he cheated on me of course and he sed he wuldnt care if I died,dat he'll find another gf. Tht day my mom tried killing...dat same day da cops took her.but now she's bck.3rd bf never reli paid attention to me,sed ge loved but dat was it..he took me.for granted...I decided to end my life by cutting my wrist almost causing me to die,cu z I sliced on top of one of my veins,nd I wulda died if I cut too deep but gladly I didn't....each night id pray to god y is he making me suffer ive never done sumthin bad..I need never brok a vow or promise I was.a.happy child but now....im not lik I used to be.my mom tried stabbing me yesterday..but gladly I ran away nd waitef for my dad to come home....evrytim im out in da crowd I laugh nd.smile but reli those ghgs r just hiding da tru me,nd tru feelings..inside I feel pain,anger ,sadness,and only a lil piece of happiness.....dis year I lost 5 of my closest frdz..dey all kiled demselves nd I tried to stop dem but no....ive been raped,I've been hit,ive been bruised...now evrytim my mom hits or slaps me ..I tak da pain...or sumtimes I jess dnt feel it no more...my parents r divorced now and......
sowwe bout cliffhanger...read more nd comment what you thk..anything at all ,and ask me ANYTHING,nd yes thts me as the books cover,until nxt time adios!!(byee)

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