Chapter Seventeen

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Gideon Parks is the bully from chapters eight and nine. I don't remember if I named him so that's his name. If I did the. Please feel free to comment and fix me.

Jaylyn's POV

The smell of metalic blood was sickening. It overpowered every other smell in the room. I avoid looking into the mirror, but look at the time on my phone. 12:02.

"Shit," I missed my interview. I jump up out of bed and start looking for clean clothes. I finally make it out of my bedroom and run to the ice cream parlor. I make it there in under twenty minutes but stand outside catching my breath before walking in.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for the manager." I ask a nearby waitress. She points me in the direction of a back office.

Gingerly, I make my way over to the door. I rasp my fingers against the wooden door and wait for any sign of life.

"Come in!" A barely audible voice comes from inside.

I open the door and a strong scent of winter pine enters my nose.

"Oh hello. And who may you be?" He asks, and rubs his gray whiskers.

"My name is Jaylyn Shay. I was supposed to meet with you at eight."

"Oh of course. The no show ."

"Yeah. You just wanted to come and personally apologize to you and tell you it wasn't intentional that I stood you up. You had some family...issues that you had to attend to and then I passed out. I know that there is no way to get this job after my blatant disrespect for you, your time and your business but I wanted to apologize in person for the inconvenience that I caused." I turn to leave but his voice stops me.

"That was very brave kid. Not many would apologize for blowing me off, let alone show up to the place they blew off and apologize. I can't give you the job because I have already given it to someone else. I can, however, give a call to my cousin to see if he is hiring. He runs a construction company and is always looking for people to hire." A bright smile lights up my face.

"Thank you sir! That would be amazing."

"Just give me a second to call him and see." He reaches for his phone and taps a couple of buttons, then he lifted it towards his ear and starts to talk to whoever was on the line.

Wanting to give him a little privacy, I step away from him. I look around at the pictures on his book shelf. On there he had pictures of who I assume is his wife and family, his parents and what I assume are a couple of buddy's. His college diploma hangs framed, next to a bunch of awards he has won.

"Jaylyn?" I turn around to face him. "My cousin said he wants to meet with you before deciding. So, he's heading over here now. He should be here in ten to twenty minutes.

True to his word, the owners cousin showed up seventeen minutes later.

"My name is Paul." He had said. "You the boy?" A nod. "Kinda scrawny. And short. You look kinda weak but I'm desperate. You ever built houses?" A shake of the head. "Damnit." The man, Paul, runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. "You're hired. I'll start you on painting first. Tomorrow eight o'clock sharp. It's out of town. Do you have a car?"

Another shake of the head.

"Very well one of the guys will pick you up at seven thirty. Be ready." After that I say goodbye and thank them both before leaving.

I leisurely walk home, even going as far as to whistle. I stop suddenly when I spot a family. Young parents, an older sibling, a slightly younger sibling and then what looks to be a new born. They all are look down at the baby in amazement. I smile softly at the picture - wishing I was a photographer so I could take a picture of this moment or even an artist.

The family heads inside as the skies darken. I look upward and see rain clouds. I decide to start my trek back home once again, only this time running.

I make it home soon after. There are no lights on, because although it's normally bright, the rain clouds are casting darkness. The first raindrop hits my cheek at I open the door. Seeing as it's only about four thirty, the last thing I expected was to see my parents sitting with Gideon Parks and two people who I assume are his parents.

"Jaylyn, perfect, Gideon Parks - you know him, correct?" I nod. "Good, he'll be staying with us for awhile while his parents are in Africa helping the children."

My heart stopped.

My bully was now going to be my roommate.

I nod my head and turn away. Numb was all I could feel. I walk down the stairs to the game room and decide to just sit for a second to wrap my head around this. I stare blankly at the tv screen, thoughts of the different ways that Gideon could kill me were the only thing in my head.

He could suffocate me. Or shoot me. Or drown me. He could stab me. Unconsciously I start to rock back and forth in order to calm the coming panic attack. Tears are starting to gather in my eyes when the door from above reached my ears. I look up to see the one thing I didn't want to.


Just standing there. With a smirk.

He continues down the stairs. My breathing gets heavier. He walks over to me.

"Oh, we're gonna have a lot of fun these next couple of months, now won't we, Jaylyn?" His question sends a shock of fear to trickle down my spine.

The next thing I see is his fist heading towards my face.

The feel was the last thing I felt before the darkness overtook my vision, but he didn't stop there.

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