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"Alec, what would your mama and papa say? I was told that you were not allowed to have excess sweets." "But Raaaaaaaaph! I'm a big boy! I can have cookies! Pandora can't though." "She can have one of her baby ones, but you can't have anymore." Raphael sighs, how long has he been arguing with his father figure's regressed boyfriend now? The entire time probably so what, two hours? The shadowhunter pouts and crosses his arms, he hates not getting his way. The actual baby starts crying, Raphael is immediately quieting her down with a teething ring and her favorite teddy bear that Alec actually made for her with Magnus when she was born. Alec decides to sneak off into the kitchen and grab more cookies. The poor Little forgets one key piece of info, toddlers over six feet tall aren't very good at sneaking quietly. Raphael rolls his eyes and speeds over to him. The vampire stands in front of the shadowhunter and points back down at the blanket in the middle of the living room floor.

"No!" "Alec, I wasn't asking you. Go back and sit on the blanket before you get in trouble." "You not the boss!" "I was left in charge of you and Pandora so that means that you need to listen to me, understand?" "No!" Alec was NOT in the mood. He's already had one accident and had to change since his pull-up couldn't hold much and leaked all over his pants, he has refused to nap so he's tired and easily irritated, and he's been feeling antsy overall, like he wants to throw a tantrum but he's not sure why. He sits down on the stupid blanket and pouts, stupid rules and stupid Raphael. The vampire clan leader rolls his eyes and goes back to making sure Pandora is content enough to leave her alone. Alec huffs loudly and flops onto his back with a loud groan.

"What is it now, Alec?" "You dumb!" "Okay, and? You're starting to push it a bit, kid." "Go 'way!" "Alright, I'll leave you alone." Raphael internally groans and turns his back to Alec. The vampire is getting antsy himself and doesn't want to throw his own tantrum. The shadowhunter pouts, that's not what he wanted! Raphael is doing everything all wrong! Alec looks around, he wants to throw something so bad! He looks down at the wooden puzzle board on his blanket and throws it at Raphael's head without a second thought. The loud sound of the large wooden board hitting Raphael in the back of the head rings through the apartment. The vampire is done, fed up, and wants to go home. He turns and looks at Alec with a few tears in his eyes.

"Alright, that's it! Come with me." Raphael grabs Alec's wrist and takes him to his nursery. "You are going to sit in the corner and stay there for five minutes or I'm gonna tell your papa that you were being bad and get you in trouble!" "No! No trouble with papa!" Alec pouts and sits in the corner, he noticed the change in Raphael's behavior but he doesn't want to get in worse trouble. Raphael starts a timer before going into Lydia's room. He closes the door and sits on the floor, thumb in his mouth as he cries quietly. Once he's calmed down, he makes it look like he wasn't crying at all before checking on Alec. Pleased with the fact that he hasn't moved, he stops the timer.

"Are you ready to be good?" "Yes, Raph." Alec stands up and walks over to Raphael. "I sorry. I was a brat." "Thank you for the apology, Alec." "And mama and papa say I gotta be nicer to babies littler than me." "W-what...? Alec, you're confused." "No, you looked like Jacey when he sad when he a baby. An I bigger than Jacey." "Alec, I'm not a little. I was just upset because you threw something at me and you weren't being nice to me. Now, c'mon. You need to eat something and I need to put Pandora to bed." Raphael walks ahead of Alec, hating how he's so perceptible. Alec feels the urge to age up and confront him on this, but something else seems more important at that moment. The shadowhunter tugs on the vampire's shirt.

"Is something wrong?" "I gotta potty. Help me?" "Sure thing, kid. C'mon." Raphael takes him to the bathroom and helps Alec out. He leaves him to do his business and helps him out afterwards, making a note for Magnus and Lydia that he made it on his chart. As Raphael goes to pick up Pandora from her bassinet in the living room, a hand grabs his wrist. He turns to see Alec looking down at him.

"I got her. Why don't you have a seat so you and I can talk?" "Uh, alright." Raphael goes over to the couch as Alec picks up his daughter. He holds her close to his chest, patting her butt and back in a gentle rhythm while he sways gently and hums softly. The baby girl is asleep in no time and Alec takes her to Lydia and Maia's bedroom to put her in her crib. Meanwhile, Raphael looks down at his hands, fidgeting slightly. Alec knows, there's no way to deny that now. A few minutes later, Alec comes back dressed in his casual adult clothes. The shadowhunter sits beside the vampire and smiles reassuringly.

"What's going through that head of yours right now?" "A lot of things..." "Anything you want to talk about? Because there's obviously something that should be talked about." "I no wanna... I-I mean I'd rather not..." "I think we should. How long have you been doing this?" "A while..." "Do You have a caregiver?" "No..." "That's not good. You're such a little baby boy that it's not safe for you to be alone like that." That phrase tips the scale and Raphael's thumb is between his lips as he whines a bit. Alec pets his hair as he sees tears start to well up in Raphael's eyes. The vampire hiccups once before he starts sobbing around his thumb, prompting Alec to lift him into his arms and take him to the nursery. He places the crying Little in the crib and leaves the bars down, planning on changing him into more comfortable clothes.

"It's alright, buddy. Deep breaths. Let's get you into something more comfy, okay? Here, I have one of Jace's onesies that is a bit small on him." Raphael lets Alec do what he wants, lying in the crib hiccuping. Alec takes off his clothes slowly, giving Raphael the opportunity to stop him if he needs to. Once Alec gets to Raphael's boxers, he pauses. Those combined with a onesie cannot be comfortable, but the only other options are pull-ups and diapers.

"Raph, buddy. I know you don't need them but would you be upset if I put a diaper on you? You'd probably be more comfortable." "Kay..." Raphael's voice is soft, like he's not used to talking when little. Alec smiles at him and puts one on quickly, still aware that Raphael isn't even going to use it but knows he would feel more secure in it. Once the shadowhunter has the clan leader in the soft onesie that is coated in kittens and matching socks, he lifts Raphael into his arms. He grabs one of Simon's pacifiers that he keeps here and slips it between Raphael's lips, smiling when he sees the Little sucking on it rhythmically. Raphael rests his head on Alec's shoulder as the shadowhunter goes through the routine he has for baby Pandora when he puts her to sleep. He rests one hand under his butt and uses the other to cradle his head and support his back, patting his butt softly as he bounces him gently. The front door opens and closes, three voices can be heard.

"Alexander? Raphael?" "Shhh, living room." "By the angel..." Lydia, Maia, and Magnus are stunned by Alec holding a sleeping Little Raphael. Alec grins at Magnus as he steps closer, confusion on his face. The shadowhunter mouths to wait as he goes to put Raphael in the crib in the nursery, returning moments later with the monitor. Lydia takes the monitor from him and they all sit in the living room.

"What happened?" "I was acting like a total brat, not gonna lie, and the way Raphael reacted to certain things tipped me off. When I asked him about it, he slipped. He doesn't have a caregiver and his headspace reminds me of Jace." "Poor baby. I have an idea." Magnus sends a quick text and seconds later, a portal opens revealing Catarina. "This better be good, Bane. You know I don't like leaving Madzie on her own even if she's asleep." "Follow me." Magnus takes Cat to the nursery and she immediately feels a tug on her heart.

"Aww, Raph. He looks so cute this way. Why did you contact me, though? You still haven't given an actual reason." "He doesn't have a caregiver, Cat. He's on his own and his headspace is very young." "What?! Poor baby, this is unacceptable!" Catarina is conflicted. On one hand, she has plenty of room and can easily accommodate Raphael plus she really wants to. On the other hand, she has no clue how to properly care for a Little much less a vampire. She sighs, pushing Raphael's hair out of his face. He stirs slightly in his sleep and pushes his face further against Cat's hand. Her heart melts and she knows what she's going to do.

"I'm taking him home, I'll be his caregiver." "I knew you would." Catarina smiles and gently lifts Raphael into her arms, trying not to melt at how he cuddles into her. Cat takes him home, using her magic to create a Little nursery in the room next to Madzie's. She puts him in the crib provided inside the room and heads back to bed.

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