Pandora and her Two Mommies

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Lydia wakes up and smiles at the sight of Maia holding her daughter, rocking her slightly. The werewolf looks up at her girlfriend and smiles.

"Good morning beautiful." "Mornin' shadowmama." Maia kisses Lydia gently and smiles at her. "A certain sweet girl needed a change so I took care of it before she woke you. You deserve to rest." Lydia gets out of bed and hugs both of her girls. "You're already a good mama, honey." "You think?" Maia raises an eyebrow. Lydia smiles and nods. "Yeah. Look how content she is with you. Plus it's a heartwarming image to see both of my girls together like this." Maia kisses Pandora's head before pecking Lydia's nose. She smiles and looks at Pandora, who started to whine a bit.

"Does mommy's little girl feel ignored? I know her and mama are so mean!" She takes the baby in her arms and holds her close to her chest. Pandora quiets down as soon as she hears her mother's heartbeat. Maia smiles at them both then wraps her arms around them, putting Lydia's back against her chest. At that moment, Lydia's phone goes off and she groans. Maia grabs it and shows her the message.

"Ugh why do I need to be at the Institute?!" Maia kisses her eyebrow. "I'll watch Pandora. You take care of that bull crap." Lydia nods and gives Pandora to Maia, getting ready to head to the Institute. Once Lydia is fully dressed, she goes up to Maia. "I pumped plenty of milk for when she needs to be fed and you know how to help her relax." "I got this babe." They share one last kiss and Lydia leaves, leaving Maia alone with her daughter.

It's a couple hours later and around when Pandora needs to nap, already being fed. The loft is getting a bit colder and Maia doesn't want to accidentally suffocate Pandora with blankets. She paces by the crib, trying to figure something out. She rubs her neck and immediately freezes, coming up with something. She places Pandora on the couch with her belly on the blanket.

Maia them concentrates and turns into her wolf form, gently grabbing the collar of Pandora's onesie with her teeth. She curls her body on the floor and places Pandora on top of her, being as slow and careful as possible to not harm the two month old baby. Pandora starts to get comfortable on the warm fur body she's placed on. Maia pushes her cold, wet nose against her hand, earning a small noise in response. Pandora yawns and starts to fall asleep on top of Maia. Maia feels herself nodding off a bit as well and gets comfortable, minding the baby.

Lydia walks in an hour later, ready to destroy her seraph blade. She walks into the living room and smiles at what she sees. Pandora is sound asleep on a sleeping werewolf body. Lydia takes a bunch of pictures, setting it to her wallpaper and sending it to everyone. The shadowhunter takes off her shoes and starts to take Pandora. Maia instantly wakes up and, without seeing who is taking the baby, starts to protectively growl at Lydia, bearing her teeth. Lydia pets Maia's head gently and the werewolf looks at her girlfriend. She looks up at the shadowhunter with very apologetic eyes. Lydia holds Pandora in one arm and pets Maia's head with her free hand, loving how she melts into the touch. "Thank you for being so protective Maia. I'm not upset." Maia nods and walks out of the room to go change back.

Lydia cuddles Pandora close as she sees Maia walk in, clad in only a sports bra and sweats. Lydia smiles and puts Pandora in a bassinet beside the couch. "Hey beautiful." Maia smiles and sits beside her. "Sorry again for growling at you. I just... I love Pandora already and I never want anything to hurt her." Lydia nods and smiles. "No need to be sorry."

Lydia stands then straddles Maia's lap. The werewolf smiles and plants her hands against Lydia's hips. The blonde gets her fingers wrapped in the dark curly hair of her girlfriend. They start to kiss, sweet at the beginning and gradually gets more passionate. Pandora isn't facing them and she can't see that far anyways so they just focus on their noise level. Maia's fingers start to travel under Lydia's blouse and the kiss grows slightly more heated. Both women are so occupied that they forget that Alec and Magnus were coming home today, nor did they hear the front door open and two sets of footsteps enter the living room.

Magnus clears his throat, startling both women. Alec tries not to laugh as Magnus covers his eyes. "For shame!" Magnus himself is trying not to laugh as both women turn bright red. Lydia scrambles off of Maia and the werewolf wraps herself in a blanket. Lydia hugs both men in greeting before getting Maia a shirt. Magnus grins at Maia.

"If we didn't walk in, how far would you have gone?" Maia only winks, not saying anything out loud. Lydia throws a shirt into Maia's face and gets Pandora out of her bassinet. "I think she missed her daddy and Ayah." "And daddy has a gift for her." Alec pulls out the stuffed dog that him and Magnus made, Lydia smiling at how cute it is. "Lets go put it in her crib with her." Alec nods and goes with her as Magnus and Maia talk about how adorable their shadowhunters are.

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