Alien Baby

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"Now, I don't know 'bout humanity's first encounter with aliens," she drawled, "but I distinctly recollect mine! His name was Sisyphus. He had bee-autiful blue eyes and teal colored skin. Came to visit me one night when my semi was parked somewhere near the state border."

As she began to go into some colorful personal details regarding meeting Sisyphus and their rapidly flowering interplanetary love affair, I paused from my note-taking to look for a quick, quiet exit. Then she said something that had me all ears, scribbling notes again, and gazing at the collection of photos she produced.

"Yep, then our beautiful daughter, Elmyssa, was born nine months and two weeks later. Beautiful, healthy girl. Never guess by looking at her that her father's somewhat reptilian.Seems fully human. Smart girl. Good at math and acting. Yeah, I know, unusual combination. Hardly ever notice the membranes when she blinks."

I nodded, looking at the photos.

"Can I use this," I asked, holding up one photo showing her remarkably beautiful daughter blinking, membranes and all.

She nodded. "Sure can."

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