Part 2

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On the 21st of December 2012; Korea erupted into civil war. Missiles were launched. Troops were mobilised. Cities were levelled. Within the first week, the entire country lay in ruin.

Economies spiralled into disarray. Trade and electronic services were disrupted. Crime and violence increased ten-fold. The United Kingdom took extreme measures and sealed off its borders, bringing back all its forces in foreign countries and establishing a Totalitarian rule.

China and Japan fought to take control and profit from the holes in society left by the devastation of Korea. America spiralled into immense chaos.

The dollar hit rock bottom and the country turned into a splintered union. Small havens held by the U.S. Military and citizen led Militias fought off bands of the lawless, revelling in the horror wrought by the failure of Democracy.

The EU also suffered. Western Europe erupted into a huge Maelstrom, with all the countries vying for control of what they did not have. Eastern Europe degraded, with their leaders being smart and policing their borders and protecting their citizens.

Russia evacuated all their citizens into the deserted countrysides and into the underground subway systems, to keep them safe from any Nuclear attack launched on her soil.

The Middle east erupted in wars of extremists and rebels, either fighting in their name of their Religion and purging those unfit or unseating those in power who had destroyed their culture and were a disgrace to their own.

Africa retained a form of order, Warlords united settlements and placed themselves in charge of their own kingdoms, wars sparked between this new Empires and the more civilised seats of Power. Because of the manpower and ferocity of the clans of the Warlords, most cities fell within the first months.

South America copied the ideals of the United Kingdom, joining together to form the 'New America Republic' with many white refugees flooding from what had previously been the United States into this new 'Utopia' of Democracy.

As the world drowned in chaos, crime, lawlessness and murder; some regions of the world stayed safe. Powerful fortress islands in a storm of explosions and war.

I guess everyone thought that what they were doing was right.

'No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.'

2 Years later, The United Kingdom had became a Kingdom once again. With the man in the new position of High Chancellor wishing to expel all those who were either disabled mentally or physically, homosexual, or not of Christian Beliefs, the majority of the Population rebelled, led by none other than the Royal Family. With the rebellion successful, the Royals were placed in the seat of power. 

Because Her Royal Highness the Queen had been assassinated during the 3 month rebellion, her son, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, took her place, ruling somewhat harshly but compassionate as need be Monarch.

The Russians had stayed soundly safe underground and spread throughout the harsh countryside, though in the early months of the first winter, tens of thousands were lost to starvation.

The Eastern Europeans had managed to hold a secure border, but were destroyed after a fierce nuclear attack launched by Islamic Extremists in Pakistan, who also nuked the remaining powers in Western Europe, and the remainder of Asia.

Africa became a constant war zone, with the warlords vying for even more power, fighting against each other and backhanding diplomacy and democracy.

South America became the new Utopia and grandest power on the planet, with the combined economies of at least 12 Countries and no devastation by war or disease, they thrived.

North America is a nuclear desert, even the last havens and shelters being nuked by a crazed group of Raiders and Looters who took control of the last working Missile Site and proceeding to Nuke the entirety of north America.

'History is only the register of crimes and misfortunes'

In 2020 I turned 25. I was born in West Yorkshire and grew up like any old lad. But my life went flippy during those 2 years of totalitarian rule.

Everything was rationed, no electronic devices were allowed for private use other than radios, Police were armed with guns and the army was brought in to police us day-to-day alongside normal rozzers.

Can you imagine what it's like to live as you do, and then have your life reverted back to those of your grandparents?

To live life like you were in World War 2?

To suddenly have nothing after 17 years of having everything?

It was like going through hell and back.

To pass the time I started to read Voltaire. I'd learnt frog like the rest of the lads in my school but I had a seemed to get me head round it easier than the rest of them. The only books they had at our library were all in French, none of the English translations.

I started reading them. I started to understand what he was saying. I reasoned with every point he made. I questioned some and surprised myself after thinking it all through.

I fell in love with a girl my age during that time. She was absolutely beautiful and we loved all the same stuff. We read Voltaire together, we played board games and sports together. My life was pretty much perfect. I forgot about what I had lost from the years before.

But when the government wanted to oust all those people. To kick 'em out with no hope of their survival elsewhere. We panicked. She was a complete atheist. I only pretended to be a believer like my parents but it meant she would be turfed out. She was so stubborn, and said she would rather die than believe in some almighty being that couldn't exist by the laws of science.

We went to the first riots in Leeds and yelled our hearts out. We protested and beat the cops bloody. When the army came and started shooting; shit got sour all over the bloody country.

We signed up with the Freedom Fighters, we got training and we were there at Manchester when the Cardinal was shot. We were at London when we blew up number 10. We were the ones that set the explosives to destroy Parliament. I knelt by the Queen, holding her hand as the medics tried to save her.

Lucy died defending our Queen. She fought like there was no tomorrow. Strange that she refused to bow to a supreme being that couldn't exist by science, but would bow to woman who was rich and privileged because of her birth and bloodline. I was devastated that day.

I didn't leave the barracks for a week and just sat there. I didn't even read voltaire because it brought back so many happy but painful memories. I didn't celebrate the day the High Chancellor was eventually shot. I didn't celebrate when the Prince of Wales was put on the Throne and re-established the Monarchy rule.

In 2020. On my 25th Birthday- everything clicked. Like that moment when you feel at total peace. I realised just how corrupt our society was. I figured out what was going on behind the tapestries. I figured out how much more of a bastard the Monarchy was than our dear old Dictators.

I decided to fight against the system I had fought to establish.

As Voltaire once said.

'Clever tyrants are never punished.'

I sought to prove him wrong about that.

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