Act One, Scene Three

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In this scene we meet the Venture Capitalists or VCs,  three men who dress and act the same like a trio of soft-shoed vaudevillians.  They could all be Mitt Romney's twin.

We also meet Snobahl, the head of Human Resources, a vain, pompous flabby man of low moral structure. 

Scene 3: At the meeting with the VCs 

Setting: Conference room surrounded by giant whiteboards covered with formulas and yellow stickies.  Snobahl and VCs stand on the left hand side of the stage tapping their feet as they wait impatiently for the arrival of the Code Slingers.

 Enter: The Code Slingers

 Snobahl, walking over to the Code Slingers:  

Didn’t you get the memo? 

Why are you so late?

The meeting wasn't set for nine

It was set for 8:00! 

 Malcolm growling:  

You can't rush a good cappucino, man

 JP, turning to run:

 I’ll go get Sol.

Snobahl, gulping:  

No,no, JP.  We can’t wait any longer.

As you might already know,

we no longer fit,

Into the Company’s portfolio

And so, they’ve made a decision

About another way to go,

For a pretty penny and a huge pile of stock,

We’ve been sold to the Company down the block

And so on that note, and with out any further adieu, 

This Venture Capitalist group would like to speak to you.

JP, shaking his head and mumbling to himself:  

This can’t be good.  

Oh, I just want the rest of my life off with pay,

So I don't have to live through,

this foreboding day.

Malcolm to the VCs:  

So why did you want to just talk to us – why isn’t everyone in the company here.  Why just us?

VC singing and doing a soft shoe dance:

 What is it we seek, dear sirs,

What is it that we need,

It’s not a great big lease,

Or more mouths to feed,

It’s not a working product,

Or a brand new brand,

Oh, no. Oh no!

Our plan is much more grand.

We have a shiny vision, of profits yet to come

One that will keep our competitors – always on the run,

It’s a grand plan, with a positive ROI,

And about the bottom lie you’ll find we never, never lie!

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