Chapter 1- Oh Shit!

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A/N: The beginning of a daunting roller coaster! Welcome! This book is not for the sensitive and tender-minded, but those who are willing, enjoy this rollercoaster of a ride, you will not be disappointed.


The skyline of NYC shone through his office, the building tall scraping the sky with both it's height and elegance. Tonight the stars did little to illuminate the city of Manhattan as it pulsed through in a quiet slumber, no matter the time or day New York remained the city that never slept. 

''Mmm....'' a husky moan had managed to escape from his lips despite his effort to hold it back. An overwhelming sense of pleasure ran through his body as he leaned his head back enjoying the velvety wetness. Nicole, his new secretary was assisting him in the way she knew best -- on her knees under his work table. She worked up and down steadily, his hands scraping her scalp as he attempted to gather her blonde hair together forcefully pushing her down even further.

Slow and steady...

That's right baby, right there...

His thoughts began to completely engulf him by the sensation her lips was creating on his most sensitive part. ''MY GOD NICKI ! '' his voice rasped as he leaned back his head, leaning in he caught her bright lustful blue eyes watching his intently enjoying--




 of it.

 Until two full knocks erupted through the door, ''Michael, Michael! You there, open up! open up! '' A voice yelled through followed by rough bangings.

''You've got to be fucking kidding me'' he muttered harshly under his breath

''Hold on'' he yelled back in composing his voice as he quickly buckled his belt ushering Nicole under the table and urging her to stay as still and quiet as possible.

Walking towards the door, he unlocked it and walked back. ''Father..'' he greeted him loud enough for Nicole to hear. "So great to see you here,"  he said forcing a smile. His father walked in ignoring his presence, his stride both slow and dangerous scanning each and every corner of the room  

Michael knew he was fucked, fucked beyond decades, beyond centuries, the whole deed. 

''Yes father, what do you need '' he continued nonchalantly, in attempts to mask his annoyance and growing anxiety. He was sure as hell his father had better things to be doing rather than bothering him late this night at the office. That is unless something came up, he knew deep inside he was in trouble. But what could possibly be the reason this time?

''Michael...'' his father started until his eyes fell at the something behind him glaring at it with suspicion.  Turning his back to follow his father's gaze he closed his eyes in frustration.

Why now?

Before he could say another word his father had walked past him, kicking his desk. ''Get out now!''he yelled. Witht two blinks of an eye, Nicole rose from under the table anxiously, her skinny body was fitted in a dark red business suit that was riding up to her thigh, in attempts to straighten her demeanor she fidgeted under his father's strong glare. Shaking nervously from her head to toes.

''Mr. Smith...'' she began nervously before his father pointed towards the door.

''The exit is that way, don't bother coming back because you are fired" he barked, his anger pulsing through the air.

Michael simply glared, he had his back to the wall, arms folded facing both Nicole and his dad, Nicole glared at him with pure hatred as she walked out, he held it as she walked out. The banging of the door shaking the wall he was leaning against. 

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