Chapter 4- Sweet Sister

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Carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, aren't you in enough trouble?

His conscience warned him. 


The car screeched as it was forced to a sudden stop, he was barely watching the road dazed in Mars and forgot he was driving far beyond the speed limit he had almost killed a woman. He watched her glare at him with a frightened expression, like a mice caught with cheese, which then turned into a look of annoyance. He knew she couldn't see him which gave him the excuse to carefully observe her more. She wasn't ugly, rather quite attractive, But the faces she was making at him didn't settle too well.

Michael couldn't help but notice she had brown hair that was tucked inside a fedora hat, and tan chocolate brown skin, her legs were long and toned through her jeans. Michael watched her backside nonchalantly trying to ignore the throbbing sensation in his pants. As he followed her he saw her  run up to a man leaning against a tree glancing at his car with a blank expression.

Pressing his feet forcefully on the acceleration he drove away keeping the same speed he had before. He had yet  to figure out how he was going to face his father and convince him to give him a second chance. It almost gave him a headache just by the thought of it, his father was already too fucking complicated.

Leave it to the old hag to drag this whole shit out.

He clenched his jaw just by the thought. As he entered the highway, he thought of what his "punishment" would be, he was a grown man. What could possibly happen?

Ground me

 He laughed to himself turning the music on the radio louder to drown away his thoughts.

Suddenly an annoying ringtone ran from his phone to his car speakers.

"Speak.." he muttered, pressing the answer button knowing exactly who it was from the name on the screen.

"That's how you greet your older sister now? How wonderful" the voice replied sarcastically.

Michael rolled his eyes "My sweet, beloved sister, who deserves nothing but the best, how are you today?" He gave a small smile, she was such a handful.

"Slightly better," she said, he could almost hear her shrug her shoulders carelessly.

"Mickayla!" he answered slightly annoyed, eyes still glued on the road.

"Get to the point" he continued.

"Aren't you the impatient one," she kissed her teeth.

"Anyways I heard you were in trouble, up to doing you again huh!" She said promptly teasing him, he could almost sense the grin on her face.

"I guess" he muttered taking a turn on interstate 58.

"Define trouble," he said relaxing back on his seat.

He could almost remember when they were growing up, Mickayla's idea of getting in trouble was when she did not finish her homework, or when she didn't make an A in her Calc test. Michael on the other hand, despite being two years younger got in trouble for skipping school, and once taking a trip with his friends to France without his parent's permission. It made him smile remembering their high school days. 

Snapping back into reality, he heard his sister snort internally. "Let me guess, did you fuck one your house maids?"

He narrowed his eyes sharply. "No"

"Banged your ex-friends girlfriend?" she urged on. 

"No" he insisted further.

"Hmmm, this would be a tricky one... look who got new tricks up their sleeves." she joked.

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