Chapter Seven - Wedding Guests

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Chapter Seven

Wedding Guests

The first man they approached was about twenty-five years older than them.  He was powerfully built.  Gray strands worked themselves through the crisp blackness. He was attractive and commanded respect. 

“Chief Hawk Eyes, this is Mazaska Zi Ista.”  The war chief paused then said, "Mazaska Zi Ista, this is the chief of the Cheyenne band just to the southeast of us.”

The older man’s eyes studied her thoughtfully for a moment.  Then a smile broke his serious face.  He grasped her hand with his on top. 

“You have chosen splendidly, Woniya Mato.  She is a rare rose in the forest of trees.  Guard her well!”

Spirit Bear clasped the older man’s forearms in acknowledgement of such high praise.  Kaitlin blushed and looked down.  She had some difficulty understanding what the other man said.  He attempted to speak Lakota, the language of her band of the Sioux, but it was heavily accented as if he didn’t normally speak it.

For her benefit, all visitors spoke Lakota.  Kaitlin still didn’t fully understand the complex language, but because she knew many words, she could usually get the gist of the conversation.

The last group Spirit Bear introduced her to were members of the Yankton tribe, one of the seven distinctions of the mighty Sioux Nation.  The first man to stand introduced himself.

“I am Sunmanitu Wacitusni, Sly Coyote,” he began by clasping forearms with the chief.  “I share mothers with Eagle Talon, husband of Opossum Eyes.  He sends his regrets that he was not able to make your wedding.  Under current circumstances with his wife… he thought it best.”

Spirit Bear chuckled.  “Tell my friend that I understand and agree with his decision!”

Kaitlin recalled the unfriendly girl, Opossum Eyes.  She was an Oglala woman who desired Woniya Mato for herself and went out of her way to antagonize Kaitlin.  The chief had arranged for the girl’s marriage to Eagle Talon of the Yankton Sioux tribe to further unite their tribes as well as to take care of the problems she presented. Spirit Bear saw to it that she would no longer cause misery to his betrothed.

The chief, Wise Owl, wishes me to tell you he will arrive a few suns before the marriage.  There are some things in the village he needs to prepare for first.”

Tos, I understand,” he paused an appropriate moment of time and then introduced his winyan: “This is Mazaska Zi Ista, my promised.”

Kaitlin felt the power of the man’s intense stare.  She shifted uncomfortably under the weight of his look.  She felt like a prized horse being analyzed by a potential buyer. 

“She is gopeca, Woniya Mato.”

Tos.  I agree.  Thank you.”

He then took Kaitlin’s arm and introduced her to the rest of the group.  Because all the guests had now met his beautiful golden bird, they joined the last group to visit.  Kaitlin joined the three women in the group who sat a little apart from the men.  The chief remained to visit with the other important company. 

“Hopping Robin, I am pleased to meet you,” Kaitlin began.  “And you, Soft Touch, and you also, Little Foot.” 

The women smiled in welcome at her.  They began to speak of the skills they developed as they aged.  Little Foot got up and went to her guest tipi.  She returned with a bag. 

She poured its contents into her hand and held up each on to show Kaitlin.  Inside were fine jewelry items.  An amber necklace and bracelet gleamed in the lowering sun.  A leather band with more amber beads would circle her upper arm.  There were places for feathers of her husband’s to be attached to show who she belonged to.

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