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It was Annabella's turn to meet the boys. She was shaking. I was actually laughing at her since i had already meet the boys and have their numbers. I didn't know if i would ever see them again. I still don't know why they would give me their numbers when we just met. They knew i was a fan and everything. It was my turn. 

"SUMMER!" Zayn said, he was first in the line. 

"Hey Zayn!" i replied. Getting glares from other girls. Woooow!

"Here ya go" 

"Thanks Zayn" i said. He smiled at me in response.

The same happened at Harry, Liam and Niall. Until Louis

"SUMMER! Hello love." he yelled out getting more looks.

"Hey Lou. Hows the signing so far?" i smiled at him

"Wonderful. But even better now that your here." he winked at me. ***FANGIRL MOMENT*** "I never got a chance to ask you before, are you from here Miami?

"Uh yeah i am, but I'm moving to London at the end of summer actually." i answered

"AWWWHHHH YEAHHHH!" He screamed. Man this boy was loud. Well i was too. But only with my bestfriend Ashley.

"OKay Lou, i have to go okay?" i said laughing at him.

"OKay bye, we'll talk later yeah?" he asked looking hopeful.

"Yeah of course." i said with a smile. 

Walking over to Annabelle i know she saw everything. She didnt say anything while we walked. Weird i thought she would go ape shit on me.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!? YOU KNOW THEM!?! she screamed at me once we got in the car

Yep. There it is. "Uh no, just meet them today. Chill." i said driving home. 

I got home and went right up to my level. changed into sweats and a white t-shirt and went to bed.


I woke up to my mom coming in my room. I sat up waiting for her to talk. When she just looked at me i asked her what's going on.

"Uh honey. I need to leave for a week... Im so sorry. I know you can handle it thought right? Ill call every night and leave one of my cards for money." she said sitting down on the end of my bed.

"Uh yeah mom. Thats okay. We will be good. Do whatever you need to." i sighed with a smile.

"  I need to leave now. Bye honey. I love you." she said getting up and leaving my room.

"Bye mom. I love you too!" i called


I jumped up grabbing my phone from my couch in my room. Unknown number, weird

"Hello? Summer? Its Liam."  Liam said sounding worried.

"Hey Liam, whats up?" i asked, curious

"We have a problem with the hotel. The fans wont leave. We cant get back in. I hate to ask this of you when we just met but, can we stay at your house?" he asked. i heard him sigh

"Oh. Um yeah sure. We have room here." i said stunned. I gave him my address and their coming over soon. 

One Direction is staying at my house...


Its short sorry! i just wanted to update some more tonight. GOing to bed now. 

--Sarah xx

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