BestFriendEater: Ch. 4

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"Dude! It's 3 in the afternoon, and you've already braught a girl home! Seriously? Well, then again, it wouldn't make much of a change." Carter laughed.

He was with Nathan and his girlfriend, Bella. Bella was awesome, to be honest. I'd known her since forever. I was the one to set her and Nathan up...they both owed me for that.

"Shutup, man," I blushed like a fool. I saw Anna smile out of the courner of my eye. "Guys, this is Anna."

"Ah, so this is the girl who you haven't shut up about since you met?" Nathan joked.

I rolled my eyes and stared at him.

I heard Anna giggle and smile at Nathan.

"Guys, be quiet," Bella interupted, "Nice to meet you, Anna."

"Hello," Anna replied.

I nodded a 'good-bye' nod at the guys, put my arm around Anna and escorted her to my bedroom. I heard Carter whistle, whispers and the livingroom fill with laughter. Oh god. :|

I sat down on my bed and tapped the space next to me as I picked up my guitar and cleared my throught.

I began to play.

A tear trickled down Anna's face as the last cord hushed down into silence.

I put my guitar down and she hugged me, "Do you really think that about me?" she wispered into my ear, mid-hug.


She kissed me on the cheek.

I pressed my mouth against hers and our lips moved in sync. She tugged on my hair. I stroked hers.

Five minutes later, we stopped for air and then started all over again, falling back and taking the kiss a little further.

"Wait," She said, her mouth less than a centimetre away from mine, "Lets take it slow, Chris."

I groaned, but agreed, "Okay."


- Anna's POV -

He was an AMAZING kisser.

I persumed he was amazing at everything, but I wanted to wait.

I had a feeling I had time with Chris.

I wanted to take things slow. Not push things. Make him wait.

Luckily, I stopped him right before Nathan walked in. I recognised him from NeverShoutNever. He notcied that my shirt was off and laughed, "Carter wants to know if your FRIEND is staying for dinner?"

Chris looked at me and I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah...Is Carter cooking?" He said, surprised.

"Don't be stupid, Chris. He's ordering pizza."

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