BestFriendEater: Ch. 1 - Love At First Sight.

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A smile spread across my face as I did what I loved most in the world: Playing for my fans.

They all sung with me 'All I saw in you, was a girl just looking for love, now all I need is an apoligie, but damn that's too much!...'

"I love you, guys!" I shouted, "G'night, Beautiful People. Peace!"

I blew a kiss at my wonderful fans and ran off-stage, high-fiving everyone.

I changed and then walked outside, onto the parking-lot, ready to meet the amazing people that gave me strength to make music.

Screams errupted in the air and I began convasations with them.

"Omigod. Like.. OH. MY. GOD! I love you! You, like, Totally inspire me!" One girl cried. I just laughed and hugged her.

"Love you, too."

Half an hour later, I was almost done.

Then, I saw her.

I blinked hard when I saw her beautiful smile.

I gulped when she stepped forwards and said, "Hey."

"Hey...I'm Chris," I smiled, "Did you enjoy the show?" I asked her and her friend.

Her friend began crying, "Omigoddddd! It was freaking awesome! I love you, Chris!"

I laughed once more, then turning to the girl, "My!" I started, "Aren't you pretty."

She blushed. A pretty pink colour spread across her perfect cheek bones, "My!" She copied, "Aren't you hot!" She giggled, "And yeah...the show was awesome."

She was perfect.

I didn't like it when fans cried for me. It didn't bother me, but I was just a normal guy on the inside, just making music. Just doing what I loved. And, she thought I was hot. Seriously.

She hugged her friend and giggled again.

Her friend stumbled forward and wrapped her arms around me.

The Jane Doe bit her lip and took my pen. She began scribbling down numbers, "I gotta gooo..." She sighed, gesturing towards her histerical friend, "But, you can, like, call me. If you want," she laughed.

"I might...I mean, I will...Okay, Bye Guys!" I winked and began walking inside.

"Bye Chris!" She called after me.

I'm in love...


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