Red Eyes

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Across the hallway Raph saw a flash of green. "There!! He's running toward the stealth ship" Raph yelled. The team ran as fast as they could, they couldn't lose Leo, especially since they found a way to get him back.

Raph ran the fastest, running closer and closer to Leo until he was right behind him. Raph jumped and tackled Leo to the ground. They tumbled together until Raph gained control of the gravity and held Leo down. He looked at Leo's once blue eyes, had changed to full on glowing red. He had no pupils, just blood red like a neutrino's eyes.

Leo tried to move his arms to get out of Raph's grasp, but he was to heavy, so he kicked his leg to Raph's sensitive part and fell over. Leo hopped back up grabbing his katana and putting it in a ready position.

The others put up their weapons too, but instead of a bo staff, Donnie held a syringe filled with stuff to make the neutrino Leo sleep. They started the attack. Casey tried to knock him down with his hockey stick, but Leo grabbed it and snapped it in half. Then he went to strike him with his katana but Raph stood in front of him before he brought it down. The sai and katana slashed together and then Raph got kicked in the stomach. Then April used her powers to smash Leo against the wall. But when Leo was on the wall, he grabbed ten ninja stars from his pocket and tossed them at April. April had to stop the ninja stars from getting to her to she focused her power on them. It was too much to stop ten ninja stars and hold Leo's weight so she had to put him down. Then when he thought he was free, Leo made a run for the stealth ship, but was stopped by Mikey. He chained him up with his kusarigama chain and Donnie ran over to inject him with the syringe. "YOU WILL ALL BE DESTROYED!!" Leo said with a raging tone until he fell asleep.

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