Weird Noises

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"WOOWOOOWOOOWOOO!!". Leo opened his eyes to see where the weird sound was coming from. It was Mikey, What the heck is we doing?!? Leo thought. Mikey was swaying his body all over the place and kept making weird sounds. Then it hit him, Mikey was trying to distract the neutrinos.

They started to follow him and Mikey started running. Leo got up and grabbed his T-phone. "How many more minutes, Donnie?" he asked. "One" Donnie replied. One, just one more minute of this until we're safe, Leo thought. He ran back to Mikey to check if he needed help distracting the neutrinos

Then, he saw him. A neutrino was holding Mikey by his neck. Mikey started choking. And the even worse part was that the alien's laser arm was pointed at his head. Mikey was going to die, his body would be reduced to a vegetative state. The army of aliens were a medium distance away from Leo, but the laser was warming up. It was at that moment where Leo had two choices, Push Mikey out of the way but risk being shot or lose Mikey and live with the guilt.

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