Author's Note

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Edit: This story is unedited. I also wrote this when I was 15, so if you want good writing, check out my latest work!

Hey there readers! This is my first action/epic/adventure novel, so bear with my beginner style! I will be writing this in 3rd-person, which is also very foreign to me. If this book is torn to bits and gets horrible reviews, I'll clear it from my works and never see it again, like all of my other previous works.

I'll be working very hard on this, so please don't leave hateful comments in the future. I feel this story will go far, but only as far as I can take it. I'd love ideas through a PM, or cover makers to remake the one I have now.

Please comment, vote, follow, if you like this. It would really mean a lot.

Also, this story will be slow-updating. However, if I get the handle on it, it may be the book I update first. I'll just have to see how popular this gets.

Enough of my introduction. Onto the story!

This novel is currently undergoing heavy revision and may contain plot holes, typos, and strangely-worded sentences. Read at your own risk!

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