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After the ninth attempt, I get the feeling that Grayson is ignoring me. And he has every reason to. This is all my fault. Everything he said was true. I fucked with him. I made him feel special and then treated him like he didn't matter. I told him he has important to me and then took it back. I can't believe I told him we were never in a relationship. What the hell was I thinking? Of course we were in a relationship. I guess a part of me was just hoping that wasn't true because I was scared of what that meant.

Only too late do I realize, it didn't have to mean anything. I didn't want any more from Grayson than I was already getting. I loved our date nights, our Drag Race watch parties, and even though I gave him such a hard time about it, I loved our sleepovers.

I sit up and try my hardest to stop crying. I decide I'll try calling him one more time. It rings for ages and I fear he won't pick up. But on the tenth try, he does. He answers, but doesn't saying anything. "Grayson?" I ask, trying to see if he's even there.

There's a long pause before he sighs. "What do you want, Ivy?"

I bite my lip, doing my best not to cry harder at his cold tone. "Grayson," I say and sob, "Grayson, I fucked up. I fucked up really bad and I don't know what to do." I cry and he's silent again.

"Why are you calling me? I told you I'm not buying into this crying bullshit anymore."

My jaw drops in shock and a pang of hurt hits my heart. I don't know what I was expecting him to do, just hear my voice and immediately crawl back to me?

I wipe my eyes and bring my phone back to my ear. "You're the only person that I trust." I admit, and realize it might be the most honest thing I've ever said to him. "Please. Grayson, I need your help."

He's silent again and I can visualize his jaw tensing, deciding whether or not to help me. He sighs reluctantly and I know what he's decided. "Where are you?"

A smile forces its way onto my swollen lips and I sniffle. "Um, I don't know exactly, but pretty far from LA. I don't know where I am." I cry at how pathetic I sound. I'm such a mess.

"Look around. What do you see? Any buildings?"

I wipe my eyes to clear my vision. "There's a hotel." I look across the street.

"What's it called?"

I squint to see the name plastered across the front. "It's just a Double Tree. I'll check my phone."

I switch to Maps and wait for it to locate me. The little blue dot blinks while it calculates before finally showing the map. "Oh God." I whisper and Grayson asks for clarification. "I'm in Fresno."

"Holy shit. How the fuck did you end up there?"

"It's a really, really long story."

"Well you'll have plenty of time to tell me on the three hour drive back here from Fresno."

My eyes light up, a smile creeping onto my face. "What do you mean? Are you coming?"

"Of course I'm coming." He says sternly. His tone over the phone is harsh. He sounds disappointed in himself for giving in so easily but my heart warms, feeling as though it will burst right out of my chest. "Wait inside the hotel until I get there. It's almost midnight." He says and I can hear him grabbing his keys. After everything I've put him through, he still cares. I don't deserve him. Not as a boyfriend, not even as my friend.

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