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As I expected, I feel like absolute shit. I spend nearly every moment at Kyrie's apartment because I don't want to be at my place—there's too many things there that remind me of her. Luckily, Kyrie and Boman are allowing me to take over their apartment while I cry like a baby. Their third roommate has been out of the country for a long time. I hear he's studying abroad in Japan this semester, which means his room is empty.

For the most part, everything has been normal, or as normal as it could get. I go to work as usual, sit at my desk and prep for this gallery show as usual, and then come home and have dinner with my friends. There's nothing too awful about that routine, except for the fact that something is missing from it.

I've more or less made peace with the fact that Ivy will probably never talk to me again, but that doesn't mean I don't think about her all the time. I just feel like I didn't get any closure. She had just been hit with a life-changing realization and I have no idea what became of it. I don't know what she decided to do or not do. I don't know if she got out of that situation or if she did anything to help herself. I have no fucking clue how any of that turned out and it drives me insane.

But in this moment, I'm trying to enjoy my Friday night with my friends. And yes, that's friends...plural. Since I've been hanging around here, I've seen what Boman contributes to Kyrie's life and I'm grateful for it. He's a good roommate and a good friend. Kyrie really likes him and I've started to see why. For that reason, I decided to let go of whatever vendetta I was holding against Bo because I thought he stole my friend. The way Kyrie has been supporting me through all of this is evidence enough that he is very much still my best friend.

The three of us sit on the couch watching We're the Millers for the thousandth time this week. We have officially labeled it our favorite movie of all time. It's just hilarious every single time we watch it. It never gets old.

But tonight, I'm having a hard time laughing along with the boys. Tonight my mind is somewhere else and it's difficult for me to get it back. I should have known that Kyrie and Boman would be able to tell something was wrong with me when I didn't laugh at Kenny getting his balls bit by a Mexican fruit spider. The two of them laugh hysterically and then I feel their eyes on me.

Boman grabs the remote and pauses the movie. "Grayson, why aren't you laughing?"

I pull myself from my thoughts and look over at the two of them. They both look over at me with concerned glances and I shake my head. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"You always pay attention. It's always impossible to distract you from this movie, so what's on your mind?" Kyrie tilts his head to the side and sits sideways on the couch to face me.

"I just...I don't really wanna say it." I shrink back into the couch and avoid eye contact with either of them.

"Well, I really want you to say it. Does it have something to do with a certain girl that we know?" He raises his eyebrows and I nod shyly. "I thought so. Normally I wouldn't allow this, but you've shown a long streak of sobriety from this girl, so I'll allow you to be in your feelings for one night."

I laugh at him. "Oh, you're keeping a score card on me?"

"We both are." He turns to Boman and they high five.

"Yeah, every day you go without mentioning her, we get a point for being good friends."

Laughing quietly, I shake my head at both of them. "You guys are ridiculous...I love you so much."

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