Chapter Fourteen

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I ended up being grateful for Colin's presence, at least initially.

For one thing, I needed someone to hold all my shopping bags. I hadn't bought so much in-person since my early days of success, back when I was enthralled by the money I'd made on my own. In recent years, I'd adopted a more minimalist style and my assistant did all of the shopping for me; I'd pick things out online, and they'd bring boxes to my estate. Or designers would send me samples.

Colin took my spree in stride, holding each new bag with a growing sense of amusement.

While we were in a shoe boutique, he stepped outside to take a phone call, and I stayed to scrutinize a pair of tan, furry boots. I bought two pairs, one for me and one for my sister.

Hey, sometimes it gets cold in Florida.

When he ambled back into the store, I handed him a giant paper bag with a twine handle.

"We're going to need bathing suits," he said. "Let's get those and then we'll have lunch."

I shot him a glance and wrapped the pashmina around my shoulders tighter. I was wearing my clothes from the day before and couldn't wait to get back to the condo to shower (again) and change. "Do they even sell bathing suits in Iceland? Even though it's June, it's fairly chilly. And why do we need them?"

"I'm sure they do sell them. And that's a surprise for later." Colin turned to the pretty young clerk and asked where we could find suits. In flawless English, she pointed down the street and grinned.

"Going to Blue Lagoon?" she asked him.

"Something like that." He winked at her and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm jealous." The woman looked at him through her long lashes.

I stood at the door, watching this exchange. Colin wasn't overly flirtatious, but he was just coy enough to inspire a certain desperation in women. I'd watched the way the shop clerks and other women had reacted to him. They seemed to respond to his devastating combination of boyish charm and rakish humor.

Hardly a surprise. He was handsome and moved through the world like a man who was in command of everything. He was damned sexy, truth be told, and I reminded myself for the millionth time to steer clear of him. I didn't need a repeat of a man who would disappoint me.

"Blue Lagoon?" I muttered as we walked down a cobblestone street.

"We're not going there." He shifted the three bags into one hand. "Do you like salmon?"

I ignored his question. "Then why do we need bathing suits?"

He stopped in the middle of the street and grinned. He wore dark Ray-Bans and I couldn't see his eyes, but his smile, all those white teeth, made my heart skitter.

"I'd prefer to stay at the condo," I added. "And we could get some lunch to go and eat there."

He shook his head. "Nope. My friend told me this place is a must-see, and I want company. And salmon, right now, in a proper restaurant."

"I'm sure you can find plenty of company for both," I retorted, side-eyeing the last store we were in. I started walking.

Colin chuckled as he caught up to me. "I'm sure I could, too, but I'd prefer your company."

I glanced at him. "Why?"

"Because you're intriguing. I haven't taken such an intriguing woman on a date in forever."

"Intriguing. You mean eccentric."

"Yes. Both."

"That's a ringing endorsement. And a date? You don't even know if I'm single."

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