cant be friends

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after all that drama happened i wasnt the same person anymore i would stay quiet when my opinon was needed in a conversation i didnt want to eat anything cause of what he did he changed my in a way that i dont like i sleep on the couch now cause i cant go back to my room cause it reminds me of what he did the pain that came over me once he left the house the day he took advantage of me

3 weeks later

CASHING OUT was blasting through the house we was jamming well me and Qur'an was

Qur'an-riding round with that nina

am laying down on the couch rappin along

tahlia -we going to see mindless behavior

me -why

tahlia-cause fat head it will bring your mood up instead of looking all depressed and shit man damnn


tahlia-ok *turns og the music * i said it will bring up your mood instead looking all sad  fat head

me -i guess

qur'an- yes*jumps up and down like a crack head * get too see my boo PRODIGY

thalia-shut up cause you know damn well it all about PRINCETON and the boys

qur'an - ------_____------  he cant sing

tahlia- he cant dance

qur'an -mickey mouse 

me- hahahahahhaahhah you on hush mode

tahlia- -___- not funni

knock knock

me- who the fuck is this paging me at 5:46 in the morning crack of dwaning now yawing wipe the cole at my eyes see who this paging me and why

knock knock

qur'an not it

tahlia-not it

me- no i (gco) damn it

thalia-fat head

me- mickey mouse

sooo am walking to the door to see the face rapist

jacob- hi

me -the fuck you wantt

jacob- i just wanted to say i am truly sorry for what i did to you i feel so terrible about i wish i could travel back in time to stop myslef from raping you but i cant it wasnt a gentleman thing to do so am very very sorry and should have listened to you when you said to

me-i hate you


me- leave now

jacob- can i have i hug

me- the fuck is wrong with you dude are you mentel did you forget the fact that you raped me 3 weeks ago just because you came to say sorry doesnt make the pain that i fell go away you stupid bitch iam afraid to in my room cause of what you did it bring back that terrible memory of what you did next time think with brain instead of your dick cause it might get cut off


me ok thats (gco) slams the door in his hace

qur'an you ok

me -no *crying*

tahlia-fat head dont cry

me *still crying*

qur'an- awww come here look now we are going to see mindless behavior so please stop crying and go get dressed

me- noo

qur'an-why not

me -idk

tahlia-fat head come on

me my head aint fat man damn

tahlia- fuck up and get dressed

qur'an so mean

tahlia-yeah #team meanie

me- hahahhah shut up

so i got dressed and they did too we have tickets that i didnt help purchase cause i wasnt notified about this but hey i was going to tag along to why they all go on crackhead mode when these boys were mentioned

me-did you two get v.i.p

them -yea

me- why

tahlia-cause we canand i can see priceton duhhh

qur'an- i just want to see prodigy

me- i guess but do go all retard mode when you see him

qur'an no promises

me- remember the last time

qur'an -shut up

me-hahahahahahah no iam good


tahlia-ha funny stuff

me- you werent even there

tahlia- i kno damn hop off  my dick

me- naww you good


so we arrive at the concert show theman our tickets he gives us our pass then he winks at me it sent chills down my spine it gave me a falshbach of jacob but pushed that thought away soo yea we wnt backstage and we see this girl that looks to be around our age she looked pretty

me-who she


me-that girl

qur'an-what girl

me -the one next prodigy

qur'an oh hell no she need to back the fuck up and away from my boo

me-chill out you going on retard mode

qur'an ok (mumbles something i cant hear )

me -come on lets ask

tahlia-ask what

me- where you come from

tahlia- fat but tru

qur'an man she irrelevnt right now who is this girl next to my boo

me-oh yea my bad

qur'an walked over there and asked this girl sooo many question that were not helpinto figure out who she was but beside that she was all up in her face but then moved away it was soo funny to watched soo i went to help her

qur'an -ummm who are you

???-who me

qur'an -nae the ice cream man behind you yea you

???- oh sorry (giggle) am nina

qur'an-ok why you next to my boo

nina-am their assiant

qur'an-yea ok my bad

tahlia-oooo she my new best friend


tahlia- cause she can get me closer to princeton

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