Offically pt2

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So the concert went real well and we were heading to the hotel to stay at but the van the Monae rode in was full so she had to ride with omg,Jacob and diggy

Diggy-hey Monae haven't seen you in like years girl

Monae* laughs * hi diggs i have been here the whole time it seems like you gone missing on me

Bahja-hey Monae

Monae-hi bahja

Zonnique-so you and this bitch cool now

Diggy-come man don't start

Zonnique-I'll start if I want to

Bahja-can you chill the fuck out like damn I can't say hi

Zonnique -you can say hi just not to her

Monae-BRUH what the fuck is you're problem with me

Zonnique -you took my man that's my problem with you

Monae-are you fucking kidding me please build a bridge and get over it

Zonnique -you just can't accept the fact that he was mine first and till this day I still fuck him every night when you're sleep

Monae-bitch do you want a fucking cookie or a handclap for that like I'm confused you keep bringing up the same shit that you fucked I get it come up with something better

Zonnique-ok then see where he goes sleep at tonight

Monae-alright again with I'm gonna be fucking you're man card

The van pulls up to the hotel and Monae is the first one out and she heads up to the boys room

Monae-where's Ray

Ray-baby I'm right here

Monae-I need to talk to you

Nina-oh shit

Quran-where the popcorn

Tahlia-I can't get hi

Nina-bitch not right now

Ray-baby what wrong

Monae-are you still fucking Zonnique

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