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Chapter 1, Part 2: Gone

I was knocked out for hours. Then, I finally woke up. Everyone was gone. I was alone. My vision was really hazy. I struggled to get up, I felt dizzy. I walked towards the end of the driveway. The car was gone. They left. I still had my knife and gun, but I was alone. I wonder why they left me. I noticed snowflakes falling. Now it would be more difficult. I just noticed the limp I had. I started limping down the road.

Sorry I haven't been able to update!!! Now is the time so sorry!!!

I felt my stomach sink. Why did they leave me? Snow was already gracefully falling on my face. I needed to find the appropriate clothing for this weather. I looked at the road, looking for fresh car tracks. Nothing. I got a sudden feeling something was watching me. I turned left on the road and started walking. I honestly did not remember these roads already. I must have been through a lot. I know I have been through a lot. I started looking at my surroundings for anything useful. What's the point though? What is this life? I decided to keep my anger on the inside. I would rather not break my knuckles from punching a tree. I still did not understand life. After I walked for about one mile, I saw a house that was in good shape. At least from the outside. I headed toward the red house. There was a vehicle in the garage, a Jeep. I checked the door. Locked, of course. Another mini adventure. I though of the main places people keep keys. But then again, people put keys in weird places. We had a key in a plastic rock you could open. Who knows. I searched the garage for anything that looked like a key. No sign of anything. Under the mat. Nothing. I did see a garden gnome though. It's worth trying. I reached the garden gnome and tried to pick it up. It was heavier than I expected it to be. Once I got it up, I looked at the bottom and open a cap it had. No key, but I found a piece of paper. It was folded in half with "Survivor" written on it. I opened it. It was a surprise what I found. Insulting us humans. I still read it though......

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