Chapter 35

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Grass, withered and brown faded beneath the heavy footfalls of two figures. The expansive grassland fell behind them, cold and uninviting, but their faces were pointed to the distance. Rocky mountains rose before them, white snow already covering their faces.

They walked in syncopation to one another. Without thought to the miles that they would yet have to tread, they rose forward to the petrifying wall of rock and stone.

"Arnon will live again," the one broke their silence.

"No, Arnon is gone," the other replied. His bony face was set against the chilling wind.

"Then, what was this all for?"

The second stopped, his grey robes shivered about his body. "What it has always been for. Arnon was only a pawn. A pawn to a much bigger game."

"And, what is that game?" the first questioned.

"The game of power, my King, the game of power." His laugh shook the countryside around him. Every ear that heard turned in distaste, except for his one companion. Together their laughter rang out through the fields and across the mountainside. And, the world quaked in anxious anticipation for what was to come.

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