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"You gotta be in this with me Luna"
Jett said trying not to scream so he won't scare his dear sister away.

"And you gotta stop giving me away to people that I don't even know"
Luna said moving her hands in front of her to prove a point.

Jett is pacing back and forth in his office thinking of another way to make his little sister approve to his bad decision. Luna huffed out air from her mouth believing that her brother is now a big idiot.

"You both have to make time and talk about all this like adults" Charley interrupted Jett's train of thoughts making Jett look at Charley in disbelief.

Charley isn't always like this.

He thought. If Charley is like this and interrupting things it means that she is serious and he is really now an idiot.

Selling his dear sister off for a deal isn't best thing. No scratch that. Giving his poor sister to his douche-y bestfriend is the worst thing your older brother could do. The two doesn't even know each other. How could they get married, and what the hell did her brother do to get in such a deal.

Luna's mind is now completely in shambles. She can't think straight, and also add in Charley interrupting the silence with such seriousness in her eyes. Charley does not do that. I mean DOES NOT do that, she won't be even in the room if it wasn't that serious. She sould be all bubbly and happy, but now that Jett and Luna heard her talk like this, it means it's very serious.

Jett on the other hand regrets everything. He loves his sister very much and the only one that he has to remember him of their father.
He left New York to be with Charley and lead the company. He left his sister alone in New York and came back with disgusting news.

"Okay. Fine. We really have to talk this through Jett" Luna said breaking the silence and the tension in the room.

"Yeah, sure. I will clean my schedule for tonight so you can come by our house and talk there" Jett said looking at Luna and seeing her dark brown eyes glaring at him but in a sweet way.

Luna dropped the glare and nodded at her brother's plan. Charley then came with her outside of her husband's office and went out to the nearest coffee shop they would see.

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