Rain On Me

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Copyright 2012 ©

'"I've found that the one question that revolves around the teenage mind is "Why me?" Well, it's a constant in mine. So many questions revolving around your mind and mixed with hormones- it can become deadly. There are probably millions of adults who have sailed through life under the false pretence that they have everything and then comes the wake up call when they realise they are missing something or are completely unhappy. It could have been a change of mind, place or heart.

"This story is about my ignorance to the world I lived in, I'm over it now- smothered it in petrol and set fire to the bridge. It's not the light at the end of the tunnel you that matters but the shadows that followed you to there.

"When you're a young adult it's supposed to be the best years of your life. This is the story of how I got there, well I'm getting there. I've learned to live again, laugh again but love? That is a word I thought I'd never mean again.

They say "Everything happens for a reason", I used to question that reason, but now I know.

"Rain on Me"' ~ Jaye

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