twenty four

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10:22 PM

Fireworks erupt in the inky sky. Flares of blue, red and white paint the atmosphere in an oddly patriotic manner. Cody lazes her arm across Kit's waist, as he envelopes her into a fond embrace. On Cody's right, Sam poises her crutches in the sand at the brim of the water, with Sienna at her side, gasping at every new eruption of colour. Sutton and Leo clink their beers and cheers to the rest of summer. Brianna leans against Amber's shoulder as shadows of colours flicker across their faces. How Cody managed to unite such an incompatible group of people remains to be the mystery of Westbury. But then again, the heat wave in 2015 was just about the most exciting thing to ever overcome the meagre town.

"I say we go swimming." Cody's curt proposal receives mixed emotions. Amber scoffs in distaste whilst Sam shivers at the thought. Cody looks up at Kit, who merely heaves his shoulders at the suggestion. But it's not a 'no'. Leo has already darted for the cold beers, with Sutton on his heels, before Cody can even begin to convince them.

"I guess that just leaves us," Cody grins up at Kit, knowing his answer was predetermined anyway. With rubber tubes under their arms, the duo lounges on the surface of the water, musing on trailing conversation topics. Sam and Gigi ultimately join them as they discuss the course of their summers. Cody returns to the water after a momentary absence with two beer bottles in hand. She presses one into Kit's palm, and holds firmly onto the other.

"Stop spoiling my brother. He doesn't deserve it," Sam splashes water in Kit's direction. He ducks and lunges towards his sister.

Cody smiles down at Kit, whose eyes wander up to meet hers. "Sure he does." A small, almost sheepish, smile edges onto Kit's lips and Cody plops back down on her tube, satisfied with his reaction. As she dangles her legs over the edge donut, Kit tugs the floating device towards him. Sam and Gigi mutter complaints in the vague background as they stomp back onto dry land, leaving Kit and Cody alone.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Cody scans Kit's face, searching for a reason behind his vacant gaze. There is a level of intimacy that would have seemed absurd if it were suggested to Cody only weeks ago. Her eyes linger on the trail of freckles that are scattered across the bridge of Kit's nose and cheeks. And the growing stubble on his strong jawline. Cody purses her lips together, musing on how she ever got so lucky.

"I'm just thinking about how long it took for this to happen."

Cody's eyebrows furrow together. "This?" Kit traces soft patterns on the surface of her skin; sending shivers up her spine. There is a familiarity to his touch. Yet completely unknown at the same time.

"We grew up together," Kit raises his gaze, meeting Cody's, "and I never considered us." There's truth to his words. It's bizarre how two people can coexist in parallel lives and never cross paths in a way that seems so natural now.

"What changed?" Cody hoists herself upwards, curious to hear his response. Kit pauses.

"I did." Cody melts at his words. A half-grin spreads across Kit's lips as he tilts Cody's jaw downwards, closing the space between them. Before their lips brush, Leo storms onto the grass field.

"Guess who found a fifth crate of beer in the garage?" proudly lifting the red plastic box over his head like a glimmering trophy, Leo ushers everyone to gather around.

"We'll finish this later," Kit murmurs in Cody's ear before emerging from the water. Cody can't help but grin sheepishly as she watches Kit's athletic frame withdraw from the lake.

"Please stop checking out my brother's ass," Sam shrieks and slaps her hands over Cody's eyes. Cody topples over backwards and laughter echoes across the surface of the lake. Sam manages to duck Cody under, but the blonde seizes her friend's ankles dragging both of them into the deep-end. Both girls emerge from the water with their hair draping across the sides of their faces, buckling over with laughter.

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