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8:39 PM

Leo Williamson may be a cheeky bastard but marrying him would have its perks. The stupendously monumental mansion for one. Sam and Cody had to take a pithy moment to just appreciate the exterior to the colossal castle that comprises of Leo's home. It's not a surprise that the music blasting from the speakers within the house is barely comprehensible when standing on the front lawn.

Only one third into the night and Cody has taken initiative to play bartender instead of allowing unidentified strangers take new bottles of champagne out of the cupboards leaving little for everyone else. The party hasn't even reached its full capacity and Leo is already far from this world.

His dance moves are laughable as are his attempts to serenade Delilah Decker, a bashful girl who oddly shows up at parties and shares an AP English and Literature class with Cody. Not the traditional type Leo pursues, but entertaining nonetheless.

Gigi, Sienna and Sam are individually enjoying the partying, occasionally joining each other for song, but sticking to the socialising of new people. It's obvious that Sam has been generating a distance from her friends to avoid the discussion of her brother, who also happens to be roaming around Leo's house. In the kitchen, with Cody, to be specific.

"Hey handsome- what can I get you?" when Cody notices Kit proceeding towards her with Leo dangling off his side like a washed out cloth, she snickers. As she directs this rather forthright remark to Kit, Leo takes it upon himself to feel spoken to.

"You, sweetheart," Leo slurs, his eyelids drooping closed in a combination of fatigue and intoxication. This provokes laughter from Cody, who shakes her head, dismissing Leo's childish behaviour.

"Bite me Leo. I wasn't taking to you. Kit, what will it be?" administering her attention to Sam's older brother, she watches his eyes scan the table full of colourful bottles of alcohol. It's rather noticeable that after last night, Kit makes a larger effort to acknowledge Cody. It's another possibility that may cause un-called for dispute and envy from the three, love-struck musketeers. Something Cody isn't looking for.

"A beer and an aspirin with water for this one," Kit says calmly. He looks handsome, as always, with a loose button up shirt draping of his athletic torso. Cody isn't one to deny the truth, especially if it regards the facts that concern someone's appearance. And Kit is simply someone who can't be considered unattractive.

"Ninth tequila shot is the charm isn't it Casanova?" while Cody opens the beer bottle, she glances at Leo, who is smirking foolishly up at her. He transfigures into a five year old boy after drinking alcohol, a result that isn't too appealing to the female population.

"Baby, you could be the Kate Winslet to my DiCaprio," Leo flashes Cody his best smile and offers a dreadful, yet admittedly smart, pick up line to the blonde girl behind the table. She laughs finding the situation vastly amusing.

"I'd rather sink with the titanic."

10:47 PM

No progress. Leo hasn't fathomed to the responsible decision to stop drinking, Sienna hasn't stopped eyeing Kit and Sam is nowhere to be found. That is, until she's lying at the bottom of Leo's grand staircase, her leg in a position that is unfeasible for the human maximum of flexibility.

As Cody hears of this news through the indistinct discussion among fellow party-goers, she darts across the spacious living room to find Kit kneeled down beside his sister, worry characterising his features. Her face conveys a clear feeling of discomfort and nausea.

"I need you to tell me what you feel?" Cody takes a knee beside Kit and slants over Sam's body.

"I feel like my fucking leg is broken and that bitch Amber shoved me down the stairs," Sam groans causing a wave of laughter to arouse from the positively drunk bystanders. Cody sighs at the stubborn attitude that Sam has decided to take upon in this horrid situation. However, the actuality that Amber Clemons, the devil in a blonde wig, has caused this situation, wouldn't surprise Cody. In spite of that, she doesn't spend any more time on the source of the issue, but concentrates on Sam's comprehensive welfare.

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